(no subject)

Nov 27, 2005 01:39

i had the weirdest dream last night....it was so confusing...

me and charlie were at this building and then some guy came in and told us we had a mission to complete and he told us and walked out and we followed..wehn we got out ron was there and he handed charlie an M1 and me an M16 and so ron was our staff sergeant and we had to go accross a field that had mines and enemy troops and we had to hide and stuff behind trees to get across...our mission was to make sure all the allied troops make it accross..and finally we beat the mission and ron walked off and charlie i looked away and when i turned back charlie had turned into my dad and the war scene turned into the waiting room at perkins and then the waitress saw us and said how many? 1? and my dad said yes and i said 1 for me too..and then she sat us down and brought my dad a soda and a house salad and i was like where is mine and she said nothing and i told my dad i was like wtf and then he said yea yea and he just started eating and i was pissed and i was eating my thing and then these old guys came up and sat at our table and ate something and i still didnt have no soda!! and then i woke up
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