Oh God, send me an angel. Wipe the tears from my eyes.

Apr 21, 2006 02:47

Another song, haven't suddenly begun to believe in God. And I feel like typing again tonight. Maybe I'll get back into that mode of updating everyday...how icky would that be. But as for the drama that happened weeks ago, I think... *shrugs* my perception of time has always been skewed, I'm going to fill ...Dean in on, I guess, since he's the only one that seems to be reading. *Cackles mildly*. Anyway, my mom and my niece's father (I really don't like calling him that, he's just like... a sperm donor, one night stand turned daddy) were staying at my cousin Joni's. I was with Miles that night, walking all over the place. Well, not really walking ALL over the place, we walked to another cousins to see my baby(niece), but she had already fell asleep. So we ended up walking to my OTHER cousins to drink and/or go to sleep (We drank for a bit, then I didn't drink anymore Miles did, then we passed out). Aaaanyway, my niece's father, Adrian, got drunk on my mom. Joni and my other cousin Lana went out, they were staying there too. Well then, Adrian was drunk, and being a dick. He scared my mom. Everytime she told him to turn the music down, he'd turn it up. *shrugs* Like I said, being a dick. So my mom calls Lana and tells her that she's going to kick him out, and then has Lana call me. I talk to mom, trying to get her to calm down, asking if she needs me to come back. She tells me no, but she wants to leave there, I said she should just kick him out, blah blah blah. So she tries to kick him. She's laying down trying to go to sleep because she had pre-op in the morning. And he comes and lays down beside her, invading the whole personal bubble thing. And starts trippin on her. Telling her that she's never seen him angry, she doesn't know what he can do when he's angry. So by then my mom is kinda paralized with fear, normally she's NEVER EVER like that. She'll get up in your face and tell you to back the fuck off. But he started to remind of her of her ex husband, who beat on her. She didn't tell me this till a week and half later, otherwise I would've put more effort into finding him and letting my cousin Melissa, my sister and my other cousin Ernie kick his ass. I don't want anymore to put my mom in a corner like that. Like I mentioned in my last update about my cousin Melissa, My mom and Melissa(Akipu) are not people I see as being easily overtaken, they aren't vulrable(sp) in my head. I know they are from time to time, as proven. But when someone ever scares them I take the defensive and I'm basically ready to kill, even though I probably can't. I was already ready to atleast maim Adrian, becuase before my mom told me all this, I found out that he had fuckin' ransacked my car. Little bitch ass fucker. *sighs* Paaaaaaaaaaaast. I've been telling myself that alot lately. Stuff I don't want to be mad about anymore. Its in the past, I odn't want to let it bother me. On a much brighter note, there is a 'get together' at my house this weekend. I've called Krashie to notify him cause I'm not sure if anyone did. Then I called Amy but apparently Vinnie had already been throwing out "GO TO TEAL'S HOUSE THIS WEEKEND!!" plans. lol, I'm not used to notbeing the planner anymore. I was complaining about it before I left school. I kinda forgot while I was hanging out with all my older cousins and sister, and everyone in Anchorage what hilarous good fun it is to just make no fuckin' sense with my little bitches. *Grins* Here's a good one that probably no one will really understand. My mom was telling my sister that Crystal(my sister)'s friend is on meth, and Crystal got the story all twisted somehow, but was going along with it, saying "yeah, doesn't she look kinda sickly these days?". So Lana comes home later on that day to take a shower, its the weekend, or almost, so she's almost never home. And my sister starts beating up on her, and Lana's just wondering what the fuck was going on. Then my sister finally calms down or something and tells or asks her, I never got the firsthand story, why/that she's been on meth. We all had a nice long laugh at my sister's stupidity. *grins* Gawd she's a trip. Me, Joni, and Lana were talking abotu that one night when we were all drinking, wondering if Crystal just hears shit in her head and goes with it. Because she talks some off the wall shit that NEVER happened from time to time. Oooh, I should regail my drunken story! Even if there is nothing to tell. Aside from another cousin/thing, Nancy, not letting me leave her house because I made myself sound like a seasons alkie. lol. It kinda works though, cause when I first saw her I was puking in the bathroom... *ahem* I'll defend myself by saying that Blackcherry vodka is really good and I couldn't tell how much I was drinking...Its not a good defense, but its what I'm sticking to. *Shrugs* THat night was weird, coupled by the fact that I had to drop off Melissa at the airport. I think I mentioned that in the first update though. Hehe. Alright thats all I got for my drama-drama. My mom had her interview today, she said it went very well. She's going to lunch with her old work pals tomorrow, and may be heading to Kasilaff this weekend. Leaving me all on my lonesome...boohoo...I swear, I'm sad... lol. I probably will be later on. Love ya, kids, stay in SCHOOL!!*cackle*
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