Aug 24, 2004 20:27
I'm so cold! It's fricken freezing in this house! I've gotten so used to sleeping along the wall, and so now i have to curl up into a ball so I don't lose use of my toes during the night and I can't sleep! So, im cold and sleep depraved, and I want to KILL my coach!
He's like "You need to be mroe aggresive!" so i was like "Roar?" and hes like "no. You need to be an aggresive swimmer and push til it HURTS." so yesterday I busted my ASS making EVERY repeat, and not slowing down AT ALL. And what does he say? "Where are your flip turns?" UP YOUR ASS AND AROUND THE CORNER ASSNIPPER. yes ass nipper is my word. So today he gives a set and everyone in the pool has fins EXCEPT ME so he gives a kicking only set and time and he goes "Everyone MUST make the repeat. That means you too kimberly." so I kicked as hard as i friggen could, but I din't think Michael phelps could keep up with everyone if they had fins, and I sure as hell couldn't! So i dindn't make the repeat, and HE YELLS AT ME!
IO'm so tired and my knee HURTS from kicking so hard, but whatever.
Omg, my mom just walked in here and saw what i was doing and started threatening to take away the internet...BECAUSE I HAVE A LIVEJOURNAL! WTF?!!!!!!! Omg im so pissed off now i have to go before i smashi the computer in her palce.