Ahhh kids...

Dec 07, 2005 20:09

Melanie: "What happens if 2 gay guys wanna have a baby?"

(I then explain the options of adoption or possibly a sperm bank/surrogate mother.)

She replies with:
Melanie: “YEAH!! Like, the 2 guys can mix their sperm together, and then give it to the surrogate mother, and the baby can look like both guys!!!!”

It's not over yet...that was only the first part of the conversation. Round 2 of this conversation dealt with Melanie wondering if I was gay. Which snowballed into random questions:

Melanie: "J, are you gay? Cause if you don’t have a girlfriend, then I wanna meet him!"

Jason: "No Melanie! I'm not gay! Mom used to ask me that all of the time! Just because I'm single, doesn't mean I'm gay!"

Melanie: "Well J, if you were gay for a day, which friend would you wanna date?"

Jason: "Hmm...maybe Joe. He’s hot."
(I'm speaking of My Space's own, Joe Cardosi: http://www.myspace.com/joecardosi)

Melanie: "What about a celebrity?"
Jason: "Does the celebrity have to be gay also?"

Melanie: "No."

Jason: "Ok…Johnny Depp."

Melanie: "Johnny Depp is gay!?!?!"

Jason: "Nope."

Melanie: "Well what if the celebrity WAS gay?"

Jason: "Johnny Depp…"

Melanie: "But I thought you said he wasn’t gay?"

Jason: "He’s not…this is a fantasy. I can make anyone gay if I want to."

I think her little brain was still fixated on the concept of me being gay, and she became more curious about the concept of Joe and I being gay:

Melanie: "What if Joe was gay and he REALLY wanted to go out with you?"

Jason: "No…we’re not gay…and he’s in love with Erin, and they’re probably gonna get married, and have kids."

Melanie: "What if he dumps Erin for you?"

Jason: "Geez...well in that case...we’re gonna run away together, move into a cabin in the Smokey Mountains and raise a family of raccoons.

Melanie: "Would ya’ll do the “mixing of the sperm thing?”

Jason: "Of course we would!!!! We’d love to create some little Italian looking Mexicans!"

Melanie: "What’s his name gonna be? What if it’s a girl? What’s her name gonna be?"

Jason: "I dunno yet. When we mix sperm, I’ll let you know."

Melanie: "If he doesn’t dump Erin, will you be crushed?"

Jason: "Dude…totally……."

Melanie: "For real?"

Jason: "….No, Melanie…"

I love that kid!

Peace out!
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