Firstly, sorry for my bad english, I'm from Spain ^^'
Oh my, I'm going to encourage you to make known your art! You must create an account in deviantart for example, there're a lot of people who draw amazing naruto art, totally! I've known and share art there with a lot of amazing artists, and I'm sure your art would like a lot there.
It's really nice to read there how people love your art in comments, favs, watchers, etc... I created there by chance my dA account but thanks to all those nice people I've improved and consolidated digital art as my favourite hobbie last year ^_^ Cheer up! You've got nothing to lose, try it! ^_^
Thanks for all the links! omg so pretty *_* most of it I hadn't seen before. The collab you did is really great, too.
I used to have a dA account, actually, but I decided to get rid of it for the reason you mentioned. lol irony. I think I started really desiring favs and comments and watches and would draw things I wasn't even interested in to get more attention. I didn't like depending on an external source of validation. Now I'll only draw for my own pleasure, hahah. Thanks for the encouragement, though! Maybe one day I'll get back on deviantart when I think I can handle it without involving my ego :D
No pressure about coloring my lineart if you do decide to! I'll send you the larger version when I find it on my school computer... It's rather unorganized.
Oh yeah, I perfectly understand, I was banned once in dA due to the content of 2 pics ^^''''' but yes, I'm looking for the way of creating my own personal web, but currently I don't have enought time, in fact, firstly I've to learn html codes, domines, hosting and all that stuff to create a web XDDDDDD but I bear in mind a website where I can post ALL that I want.
Oh, and don't worry, I don't need the bigger version, as you can see I've traced your lines in photoshop and I've started to color because the lineart of the other collab isn't finished yet, so meanwhile I'm colouring your pic ^_^
:0000!!! *EXPLODES* I never imagined my lineart could look so beautiful ;_;. Your soft shading is wonderful, and the flower petals are a really nice touch. Thanks so much for coloring it! We could do some more collab in the future, maybe the other way around xD. I'll post the link in on my journal, but I insist that you post it in the sasorixdeidara community instead of me. You deserve the credit! : DDD
Oh my, I'm going to encourage you to make known your art! You must create an account in deviantart for example, there're a lot of people who draw amazing naruto art, totally! I've known and share art there with a lot of amazing artists, and I'm sure your art would like a lot there.
Take a look to those cute artists:
- I love her sasodei doujinshis, but I'm going to link to her own website becuase in dA explicit-explicit sexual content isn't allowed:
It's really nice to read there how people love your art in comments, favs, watchers, etc... I created there by chance my dA account but thanks to all those nice people I've improved and consolidated digital art as my favourite hobbie last year ^_^ Cheer up! You've got nothing to lose, try it! ^_^
And yeah, a lot of thanks to give me your permission, I really luuuuuv that SasoDei (I love this pairing) I always credit people when I do collabs, of course, read below the pic here for example in "Artist's comments" section: or Now I've a pending and Ita-Dei collab with a girl, but don't worry, I'm going to send you a message when the pic is colored. ^_^
And, ok, if you wish, link me to a bigger version, yes! ^_^
I used to have a dA account, actually, but I decided to get rid of it for the reason you mentioned. lol irony. I think I started really desiring favs and comments and watches and would draw things I wasn't even interested in to get more attention. I didn't like depending on an external source of validation. Now I'll only draw for my own pleasure, hahah.
Thanks for the encouragement, though! Maybe one day I'll get back on deviantart when I think I can handle it without involving my ego :D
No pressure about coloring my lineart if you do decide to! I'll send you the larger version when I find it on my school computer... It's rather unorganized.
Oh, and don't worry, I don't need the bigger version, as you can see I've traced your lines in photoshop and I've started to color because the lineart of the other collab isn't finished yet, so meanwhile I'm colouring your pic ^_^
Yay!!! Finished! If you wish post this pic here and in sasorixdeidara community ^_^ Hope you like it! heheeeee ;P
I'll post the link in on my journal, but I insist that you post it in the sasorixdeidara community instead of me. You deserve the credit! : DDD
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