Bad Sandy!

Oct 29, 2012 18:01

I really hope everyone on the East coast pulls out okay. Sandy's winds and flooding are sure to wreck havock on people's homes, property, and way of life. I've read that many people are without power, and I'm sure many are stuck at home in the dark, just waiting it out.

Almost unfair that the weather here is still nice. The week before last we had a little 3 dfay heat wave of about 90. Last week just a tiny bit of rain one night, and some of the mornings have been cold. All in all, it's been pretty nice.

However, since the lack of rain is such an issue, my mom got a notice in the mail that California home owners will now have to pay a fire prevention fee up to $150.

So, the East coast always gets the storms, and California is always on fire. D8

weather, real life

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