No Pepper Pics this week...

Nov 18, 2007 02:23

...School and work are eating my soul.

But I found some fun fanart instead!

My 3 Robins
by ~heck13r on deviantART

I can't believe this only has 7 comments!?!  Good grief, some day I will color like this. PLEASE let me color like this someday, Lord? Please? Anyhoo, its nice to see fanarts that remember Jason as well. Though I still don't like Red Robin's costume. Good grief, if Jason does become Red Robin can someone please update this costume? That belt...*wince* Anyhoo, cute style Mr. Heck.  'hope to see more Robin fanart in the future.

The other piece is actually in the artist Musechan's scrapbook. BLASPHEMY!
Cuz it's really cute...and cool-looking.
Danny Phantom with Super-powered Sam and Tucker

Tucker...looks sexy. Well as sexy as a cartoon can look.  I wish Tucker were this cool looking in the series. I wish the series were this cool looking. Maybe someday someone in Japan will be gracious enough to anime-fy Danny Phantom the way they anime-fied Power Puff Girls.  Come on...Danny Phantom would make an awesome white-haired bishonen. Okay I better stop now before I get started.... But yes! Please God, after I get Mad Coloring Skills, can someone anime-fy Danny Phantom? PLEASE?

*sighs* gosh I love fanart. The dreams it weaves...

danny phantom, characters, robins, comics, anime, cartoons, fanart

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