Title: Rich
musicwriteslifeTheme: 001 - Rich
Rating: K
Length: 100 words
Summary: "She’s actually the rich one, and it’s her job to share some of her wealth with him."
Author's Note: I decided to try and really stick to the 100 theme and make each one 100 words (as I tend to write a lot most of the time). This takes place before IM, at the very beginning of Pepper's career as Tony's PA.
The first time Pepper gets her paycheck as Tony’s PA, she is taken aback by the number of zeros. She knew that she would be making more money than she had in the statistical pool, but this much is, well...alarming. It makes her begin to realize the sheer extent of the fortune made by Stark Industries-and by Tony himself-and she feels a little bit out of her depth.
Once she understands the extent of his loneliness, the money ceases to matter. She’s actually the rich one, and it’s her job to share some of her wealth with him.