May 06, 2005 04:36
To the fans of From the Ashes
Body: I had recieved the following from an anon. band member of From the Ashes after commenting on them replacing Rusty:
Date: May 4, 2005 7:08 PM
you are the biggest hypocrite i know angy balvanz. i dont see how you can talk about morals with us when you pick on megan for drinking and not being "sexually pure" and if you want to go biblical it says in the bible dont yolk yourself with non-belivers and your dating a non-christian and you go out and drink on the weekends. you also are no longer sexually pure. so when it comes to morals... SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE US ALONE!!!
p.s. do whatever the fuck you want with shirt you hypocrite.
I admit that I was very hurt, and extremly enraged! But I took a step back, and immedietly prayed to God for what He wanted me to do concering this. I was led to talk with my Mamma about it, and she prayed for me, and I came back with the following message for the band:
Date: May 6th, 2005 4:07am
I confess to God and before man, and ask for God's forgiveness for my sins! I know that being sexually immoral is against God, and I know that being like a drunkard is morally wrong also! I CONFESS! I AM A SINNER! I HAVE SINNED AGAINT YOU, GOD ALMIGHTY! I"M SORRY I HURT YOU! I AM SORRY THAT MY ACTIONS HAVE NOT BEEN GODLY!
I would like to take the oppurtunity to let you know that as of Thanksgiving of 2004, I have stopped my sexually immoral actions against God. Now I admit, it wasn't easy, trust me, I was tempted many times to go back to my old ways, but I have stayed stong, and avoided temptation! I was careful that I didn't put myself in compromising situations, so as to make it easier to avoid temptation all together! I prayed everynight, asking God for help and guidence on this matter. I also had confronted myself regarding alcohol. I know that I come from an alcoholic background, and that it's in my genetics. It's a struggle. I mean, trust me, if any of you have ever been drunk before, it is such a fun rush! Besides the fact that you make a complete fool of yourself, it can be fun. Last semester, I also had stopped trying to go out and look for a party, and trying to look for a reason to get drunk. I don't really see the point to it anymore! Why go out every weekend and get drunk, just to wake up the next morning to feel like crap?! I believe that maybe a few drinks aren't two bad, and especially when you aren't doing it all the time and every weekend.
Now I would like to address the whole issue with being "unequally yolked". Yeah, I know my boyfriend Jeremy isn't a "Christian". But let me tell you something, through my realtionship with God, Jeremy has come to see the love of God, and has come to see what he's all about! My realtionship with Jeremy has led him to God! That's one more child of God, coming to know his heavenly Father! How awesome is that?! I am sitting here crying just thinking about the fact that there is a definete possiblility that the man that I love with all of my heart will be with me in heaven! And I ask each and everyone of you who read this to please, continually keep Jeremy in your thoughts and prayers. Pray that through Bible studies, worship, through his own inquiry about God, and through mine and others witnessing, that Jeremy will accept Christ as his Lord and Savior! Pray that he will have the desire to be baptized and want to have an ever growing and blessed realtionship with God! I know I want him to!
I also want to address the hostility that's going on here. I am sorry if you are feeling attacked. That truely is not my objective here. I care about each one of you guys! Copeland, I have loved as a brother ever since I met you. I always loved having our talks before and after Young Life/Campaigners. I have always thought of you as a very dear friend, and I cherish our times together. Rob, I didn't know you as well as Copeland, but I still enjoyed being around you. You always were able to work up a good subject to get a conversation started. Daniel, I loved being around you cause you always made me laugh myself silly! And to Matt V., I'm sorry I didn't get to know you at all, but I'm sure if you're hanging around these guys, you're probably just as goofy and weird as they are. Guys, I'm sorry it came down to pointing fingers, and playing the blame game, and condeming each other. I really hate doing that, and I'm even ashamed that I got sucked into it. I know it's easy to to point out others mistakes, and I guess it sometimes can take other people holding a mirror up to your actions for you to realize what's going on in your own life. I am ashamed of what I have done, and I ask for your forgiveness. I care for each and everyone of you guys! I pray for you every night, as a brother, a friend, and as a child of God. I ask that you also do the same for me, for I am still learning to do battle with the Evil One everyday! I love you guys, and I pray that you are strengthened in your relationships with God!
I do not post this bulletin to prove anything, or to point fingers, or to make it sound like I am better than anyone else. I do it merely out of humlility. Please keep me and the boys of FTA in your prayers! Thank you, and God bless!