Well, the bits are still rifling around in my head, but I noticed something funny about Dead Ever After, so I figured that I'd post on it. Since I'm going to post on that, I figured I'd point out just how in character Eric was. Even from the early books. I figured I'd deal with the whole idea that Eric is OOC in this book - that we have all never
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The choice to leave came down to Eric and he took it. Even his half-assed middle of the night warning wasn't complete. He could have explained things so that Sookie would be better equipped to handle the divorce preceding...but no. His act first and then make the best of the situation is probably on page two of the Eric Play Book, (Page one being Vampire's First). And even at that point he wasn't sure he could take Sookie with him. 'I can keep you....I can work out a way.' Not only was he hedging his bets with Sookie but he pulling the same stunt on Freyda.
The whole discussion about wanting to turn Sookie didn't really surprise me. We all knew he wanted too. I still hold to the fact that he could have done it so many times, but he didn't. (Whether that would have changed in the future is another discussion...) The part of the book that bothered me the most was him wanting her to follow him and be his mistress. I fist pumped Sookie's resounding 'hell no!'
Only Eric would try to publically divorce Sookie and then sneak in her back door and start saying 'mine, mine, mine!' sheesh!
Eric's typical cockblocking of Sam over the bail and all other suitors with her protection condition is from the middle of his vampire manual. I'm agreeing with Sookie that the protection did in part showed that he did love her.
And how Eric to have that be so twisty to prevent a full relationship with another vamp. (I didn't think Bill had a chance but he also fits in the vamp category.) And this is what doesn't make sense to me....Eric is making a deal with Freyda and possibly with Felipe, how does this protection clause work with ALL other vampires? Freyda has dominion over her OK vamps and if Felipe was in on this deal he's over his states vampires, so all those vampires must obey. But what about the vampire from Maine who is passing through on his way to CA? It just sounds like so many laws that get passed here in the states that sound wonderfully grand and all-encompassing but in practicality can't be enforced... And does this type of protection rate up there with the type of favored status that Felipe promised her before? We all know how that worked out for Sookie.
I did also think the added protection of Karin roaming the woods for a year to be another subtle cockblock to perhaps curb Sookie's bed partners...and keep Bill away.
As always, thanks for the thoughts. I'm still rereading my way back and forth through the book....its interesting what else pops out!
He didn't even tell her what was coming, or encourage her to find a way to prevent it. I mean, shit, if a man wants you to fight for his interests, he gives you a heads up. He comes and begs you to go to Mississippi and retrieve a Bill. He wasn't interested in fighting - he thought he could have it all doing it his way. And yeah - he certainly did hedge his bets with Freyda and with Sookie. It would have been a disaster, and Sookie would have lost. I'm sure that Freyda would have all this stuff for him to do, and just as much time in the night as always. Sookie would have gone weeks without seeing him. She wouldn't be a priority, she'd be a fringe-fringe benefit.
I think it's a good thing that he waited to see and that he wanted her to want it. Maybe she would have been able to convince him in time, to leave her human. Likely, his lifestyle would have gotten her killed and he wouldn't have been able to save her. I *loved* Sookie's hell no. :D
You've got to smile at his arsiness, really. I mean, how many people does she have to date, and you have to marry before you stop the mine shit? Lol. :D
Lol - yes, from the middle of his manual. I think it was a whole heap of pragmatism, with a smaller part of love, and a little bit of vindictiveness. He has his pride, and the idea of Sookie *actually* moving on with the shifter all the supes are gossiping about is not what he would want.
Well, I'm going to go into that in a future post. But Sookie is in Felipe's state, under Pam's sheriffdom. Yes, she could be stolen, but then Eric would have reason to bring suit against Felipe to do something about it. I mean, abducting Bill from the state didn't mean game over. And with Barry out of the picture, then no one needs to get their own telepath to change the game plan. But I could end up writing a long arse post everyone will miss - I promise it'll be future posting.
Not to mention a convenient spy for Eric. :D
I know! It happens to me every damn book - so many re-reads to get everything. But it's nice to obsess over the last one as it is over the others.
Eric's deal should be with Freyda but I can see how Felipe is included in on the side. Felipe gives Eric some of his wish list items (we know of Pam's new promotion, I assume exoneration from Victor's death since there was no mention of any punishments in DEA, and who knows what else) to further encourage Eric to go. Freyda gives concessions including this protection status for the ex in return for Eric staying for another 100 years, etc, etc. But how do these conditions get enforced? Doesn't seem plausible to me. Undoubtedly, Sookie is safer residing in Sheriff Pam's area. But the rest seems a little too pie in the sky.
I also can't believe Felipe would so easily walk away from a useful telepath. (Man he really must have wanted Eric to leave.) Oh yes, using her effectively could be very tricky but he's totally going to leave her alone...? So what happens when the King of CA shows up to the next summit with his very own telepath?
Now I'm more curious about the whole consort/royalty relationship. I found it very interesting that even before they were married, Freyda had control over Eric and his money. She gave him permission to use his funds to bail Sookie out. I wonder how Eric will like being so closely under someone's thumb.
Even though so much was wrapped up in DEA, I'm still left with so many questions....and there so many answers we will never completely know! LOL!
Vi (see I remembered this time!)
There's probably some sort of tentativeness with Eric and Freyda because they'd not want to upset the future contract. I mean, if Eric is going to do special things on the side to please Sookie, then that's going to be something that would upset the balance of everything. This is Eric showing good faith, and proving to Freyda that he'll play along and consider her. And it's in Bart and Russell's contract that they have to put the consideration of the other person's needs *first*. I'm sure Freyda would be easy to everything else, but not Sookie.
There are answers we'll never know. Who sent Kelvin and Hod is one. :D
Yay! Lol. :D
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