I figure that this is a perfectly apt subject for a post, especially considering the mood in the rest of the fandom right now thanks to the spoilers. You have to go look for them elsewhere on this journal - I don't want any accidents. For those of you who've read the spoilers, THIS IS A SPOILER FREE POST. Do not post them in the comments. For those
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I think that's the wrong way to see it though. When I dated Mr. Minty, I didn't technically have choices. The boyfriend before him and all the previous ones - had been dumped for being a bit shit. Is ending up with any particular suitor actually an equal choice? I mean, in the choosing, there has to be a weighing up of what a good choice is, and what a bad one is. Bill was a bad choice for Sookie - yes, he's still an option, but he's not really a choice. She chose against him already.
I can completely agree with wanting her to have a lot, and have good stuff only. But then I think about all the bad things that have happened to people I know, and I can't help but feel that's kind of unrealistic. If I was to wish for my own mother (who's on my mind thanks to the above post) whose own mother didn't love her, abandoned her, abandoned by her first husband penniless with 2 small children, and then had my older sister die, I want something better for her. But that isn't really the way life works. It *doesn't* reward the good and kind.
But that's also just what happens. I don't think it's just religion, I think it's plain old life. The Disney version of life doesn't exist. What happened in the Steubenville case? Young girl gets raped, and then the world rallies round to support her and nothing bad happens to her again? No, that's when she gets death threats and people laugh at pictures of her naked and unconscious body and people feel sorry for the rapists.
While I think that Christianity encourages its adherents to accept their fate etc. I also think that the lies we can have everything we ever wanted *also* hurt. That's part of the reason why I actually - on a visceral level - like that Bill wasn't punished. So many fucking rapists don't face an ounce of justice, and it's about time we stopped telling people the fairytale that they *do*. I can't count the amount of times I've read that rape victims are "responsible" for future rapes if they don't report the crime - and that is supported by the lie that all one must to is cry rape, and someone goes to jail. The lie about things being perfect, and life rewarding you is a huge lie that hurts those victims.
:D So much to remember. I get it wrong sometimes too. :D
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