I've been dipping into various spoilers across the web, which means that I've been in close proximity to the people I usually avoid. That means the people who hate Sookie, and the people who hate CH. You know the ones I mean, the people who complain that CH has sold out, extended her contract way past due, and is, in the process, "ruining" Eric. It
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They are a small and vocal minority, encouraged by the fact that they don't have to look CH in the face. And they expect everyone to be sweet and perfect and nice. Except themselves. I'm always reminded of Neil Gaiman's piece on Entitlement - from all the fans ripping strips off George R. R. Martin. I feel sorry for authors that they have to have the worst of people being the loudest and most vicious. And acting as if their $10 or $20 means that they have an absolute right to demand a fucking service.
I absolutely agree with you about men not being perfect. That's what separates a romance cardboard cut out from an actual character. Much as I wax lyrical about Mr. Minty, he has faults too. And I know those faults like the back of my hand now I know him. I know that he has the ability to be the world's worst hoarder if I don't chuck his shit out, and when I die will be buried in jars. Surprisingly, I didn't know this about him in the flirting stages of our relationship - only when we got closer, and I found rolls of electrical tape and a broken umbrella in his closet. I used to think most of these women were single and deified men, but I've come to find that a lot of them are in fact, married. And *still* believe that fictional men will be without sin. Boggles the mind.
I think a silent majority, the ones who don't go on internet forums are the ones that are the backbone of buying power *and* don't want books to do silly things. I think there are two levels of fans - those obsessed and those merely interested. Those of us obsessed go onto forums/network to chat. Unfortunately, there's a contingent obsessed on getting their rocks off, and they follow CH around and say this shit. Those of us *not* obsessed this way are happy to discuss politics and vampire machinations and everything else. We never follow CH around and rag on her stuff. We're just happy and click the "Like" button and what have you.
However, I would have given more thought to just chucking it out if for the next *fifteen* years, any wish or need for tape had him hearkening back to the cautionary tale of why one should not throw out tape.
This is an excellent post to read especially as we get closer to the end and the hype machine for the last book is starting to roll. I feel so bad for for CH every time I see a Q&A she participates in. How on earth she stays sane is beyond me.
People have become lazy and not only want to be spoon fed, they want (or need) their entertainment to be predigested as well. Sometimes I just want to shout "Think for yourself darnit!" People need to engage their brains and think about what they are reading or seeing. sigh....
CH has put together such a layered story in an interesting world with real characters who have faults and opinions ... that's why she has so many fans, not just because of the GP.
I just about spit out my coffee with your ff synopsis "my bonded, your juices, let's shower, bang bang" (Why do people like the word juices like that?!?) But you did leave out 'torment psycho Bill and outdoor sex....'
Its so easy to hide behind a screen name and be harshly critical... people feel they can be rude beyond belief when their real name isn't attached to it. But I think you already know all to well about that phenomenon! (Oy!)
I truly hope that CH has finished the series like SHE wanted too. Then I will be happy (or at least try too!)
Thanks for the post!
I honestly don't know how she keeps her cool. I'd probably snap a few times, or refuse to answer silly questions. CH has the patience of a saint.
I can't believe how many people just don't think about what they read. I feel like Hansel thinking to myself "Oh! How do you live?! How do you live?!!" in Zoolander.
The best I can hope for at this stage is that the people "burned" by CH's "ruination" of Eric will be so disheartened that they won't try any of her new books. That they're loud about it too, and frighten their ilk back into the arms of JR Ward. That sounds fucking blissful.
Lol - that's the basic plot synopsis of a good portion of stories. Sometimes Bill doesn't even appear, or Eric just shit-talks about him. Because Eric is *always* talking about Bill in the books. And you forgot - outdoor sex can be (and often is) substituted for doing it at Fangtasia with Pam watching. And Sookie doesn't say Boo about it. She's totally cool with that, and Pam has nothing else to do with her life.
Ha - yes. The anonymous box encourages people to put the most hurtful things, as if the intended target will never actually read the internet. I wish there was an extra arsehole tax on things - write something nasty, pay an extra $1.00 for your copy of the book. You might actually have to mean it, and back up your words if you do that.
I'm sure she will. I think to stand fast in the face of all this crap, then she must have a will of steel. I look forward to her conclusion. Should be fun.
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