I've been dipping into various spoilers across the web, which means that I've been in close proximity to the people I usually avoid. That means the people who hate Sookie, and the people who hate CH. You know the ones I mean, the people who complain that CH has sold out, extended her contract way past due, and is, in the process, "ruining" Eric. It
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Well, Book 6 of the Night Huntress has spent a few weeks on the best seller list, that's for sure. And JR Ward isn't exactly having issues selling. Nor 50 Shades. And Anita Blake still gets readers.
I do think you're right about the fact that readers don't know what they like. You see it with long boring fanfics with lots of sex in them. The readers stop responding. And even though there's fanfic that *promises* that Eric will get hold of Sookie, and she'll be safe forever more, she rarely actually *is*. But nevertheless, the books would actually sell at least for a little while. If CH was really interested in drawing the whole thing out, she could have meandered there via boning.
I'm not sure that she is feeding the speculation, really. All one has to do is read one of her previous book series - and none of them have this clear set of rules and romance that readers seem to demand. But I agree with you wholeheartedly that the romance isn't the central plot element that she wants readers to think about. I only go into it, mainly because it means a big difference in the ending of the book. Staying with Eric means protection from Felipe, and living in Bon Temps. Going with Sam means very little protection, and then Sam getting killed. Fewer babies than readers have their hearts set on and such.
I'm totally with you on the whole Alcide thing. I might even send CH a stern note if she rolls that way. Anyone else is fine by me.
The comments and insults are just too much. This is not the casual bitching of "I don't like TB, why won't she agree with me?", this is tearing all kinds of shreds off her. I hope she makes a mint, because I doubt you could pay me enough to put up with that shit.
Well, the author is definitely being torn to shreds in discussion forums and she has also been called a sell-out. Even some of the reviews are pretty nasty. I stopped reading the series ages ago but I couldn`t help buying the first book about Dracula and his lady friend. It sucked big moth balls (quelle surprise) and I don`t think it`s selling too well.
Anita Blake is losing reader as well. So much so that the author complained about it on Twitter. She also asked her readers why people were calling her a homophobe - clearly to make them tell her that she wasn`t (which they did) - but that`s another story.
I think readers will call any author of series a sell-out at some point of the series. You can always find something to base your accusations on and people will. It`s like when we were teens - everyone wanted to claim support to that new rock band noone had ever heard about but when they grew popular they were sell-outs.
It must be annoying for an author like CH to witness how central the romance part is to some/most readers. I`m currently reading a new supernatural series with a very interesting back story and a heroine you just have to love but the author apparently knows she has to throw in a couple of guys to the mix and it`s ruining the whole series. I mean, I like hot guys in my books as much as the next reader but in this case it`s so very clear that the author never really wanted the men there so she creates all kinds of silly reason for why the heroine can`t boink either of the guys. I say, get rid of them and focus on the very interesting story insted of having the heroine pine over two guys she can never get (one is Death and the other is owned by a fairy queen who doesn`t want to share).
I know Sookie *needs* to stay with Eric but if it hadn`t been for her safety I wouldn`t really have minded if she`d found someone else or stayed single. Not if it made her happy. But I suppose, Eric and Sookie does fit together even if it`s not a perfect fit and if they are to stay together, I`m sure CH will make it be more than to keep Sookie safe.
It seems most authors are being insulted these days. I stumbled over a discussion about a romance author I like and saw some pretty nasty remarks. It`s sad, really, but I suppose the best way to avoid them is to read as little of those comments as possible and to block out whatever you do come across.
I think it's just the standard go-to insult for every single author nowadays. And I don't think it needs a basis. I mean, EL James has to be the biggest actual sell out, and I've never seen that accusation hurled at her. I mean, in CH's case, nothing has changed about her stories or the way she writes Eric - and yet they hurl these insults at her.
I agree that the focus on the romance is what must drive her around the bend - and why she's really pulled back on what a lot of fans clamour for. That would be her being the *opposite* of a sell out, but that doesn't stop the accusation.
I just don't see Eric as so benevolent that he'd protect a woman not part of his purview. He didn't for Tara, because she wasn't his, and wasn't an asset of his vampires. She was dating out of state vampires, and Eric left her to twist in the wind. So I think just in a practical manner, he has to stay in the state. And that means that he'll never let go of her - it's not in him to just stand back. He certainly didn't stand back to see her happy with Quinn - he was always driving a wedge.
I'd say that they always got those remarks, just people will send that sort of vitriol in a physical letter. But yeah, you'd just have to avoid the hell out of those places. I only go for the spoilers, and CH needs no spoilers. Still, when interviewers include it, they're being arseholes.
Oh, EL James is getting the sell-out insults too (is it an insult if it`s true?) and she got even already when she was a fanfic writer who didn`t actually *sell* anything.
Eric hardly protects Sookie even when he consideres her his but unfortunately he is her best shot at some kind of security. At least for now.
Nope, Eric is not one to bow out from what he wants.
Interviewers want reactions and insults seem to be the new way of getting those reactions. You see it everywhere. Paparazzis shouting insults at celebrities to get them to react and even well esteemed interviewers are doing it these days. Makes you glad you aren`t a celebrity.
I've seen announcements in the past about EL, and I haven't noticed the whole sell out thing. But I'm sure it is something often thrown around, with or without basis.
I think his presence alone is enough to provide protection. With a good involved sheriff, no one is going to be abducting Bill's family or Sookie's family to have her comply. And of course being married gives her protection.
Oh, yeah - very glad I'm not a celebrity. But this isn't just reactions and insults, this is calling to account like for my $20 she owes me something.
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