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Babble anonymous May 23 2012, 21:07:02 UTC
For all you're saying about Ocella forming Eric - I think that Eric also looks at Ocella's fate as a cautionary tale. Alexei was a whim, an indulgence. Ocella ultimately died as a result. He was injured by Alexei, and it led directly to his death.

You're absolutely right: Eric doesn't like making decisions, making waves, and being accountable for the choices that are made. This is why he is in the middle management position he is. Eric is the nadir of ambition, which, in addition to his sex and fighting skills, is what makes him so attractive as a consort. Eric accepts "the things that can't be changed" not because they actually can't be, but because he's unwilling to be the implementer of changes.

The DaaD quote, 'should I just kill you or have sex with you?' I don't doubt for a second that he was considering either of these options, but for the reasons listed above, I don't actually think in that moment that he would have acted on either of them. I've got the luxury of hindsight though, and Sookie hadn't when she assumed she wouldn't get a choice.

The whole, 'I may not tell you everything I know, but what I tell you is true' quote is so important, not in the romantic sense of him telling her everything he can that she needs to know or hear (because he definitely doesn't). To me, what this means is that he breaks the facade, reveals uncertainty, and lets her see into his mind a little bit. This is a huge divergence from being a good vampire. There are quite a few things that Eric does tell Sookie which are amazingly blunt and honest. They're not about revealing his plans, but they are about revealing his internal conflict.

The reason why Eric doesn't talk in the books isn't (just) because he's a poor communicator and an emotionally stunted victim of a harsh upbringing in a cruel society. It's because good vampires -do not- reveal their uncertainty, yet almost from the beginning, Eric has done that with Sookie.

He's concerned with doing what is best and right

Nice choice of words there ;D

The Bubba/Eric comparisons are really interesting. One thing you left out is the fact that in spite of his many issues, Pam considers Bubba to be useful and a "good soldier." Praise from Pam goes a long way with me, and of course the Shreveport vamps know the value of Bubba, which is certainly more than as idiot royalty. It's interesting to compare Bubba's happiness and indifference to what Eric doesn't have. I could never see Eric allowing himself to be considered the fool or the simpleton that Bubba is, but he truly does have the freedom and that Eric craves.


Re: Babble elbly May 23 2012, 21:18:06 UTC
Re the Bubba/Eric thing... whilst Pam's words are praise, they're so re-enforcing the Bubba=bad vampire concept. Good and useful soldiers are also expendable, and often don't last all that long. Good soldier and survivor don't necessarily go hand in hand, as a good soldier will sacrifice himself should the situation require it.

Since survival is a key aspect of 'good vampire' the best place for survival is sitting way back from the battle-field, commanding the troops, preferably in a reinforced concrete bunker (irrespective of how much Eric likes a good fight)


Re: Babble anonymous May 24 2012, 00:03:41 UTC
I know he's not a good vampire, but I do think he surprises people. I suppose I was just musing that even if Eric did choose Sookie over Freyda, and it somehow resulted him being deemed "less" of a vampire, for doing the unvampiric thing, that this could end up serving almost as a kind of camouflage.

I don't expect it will actually go that way, but I picture Eric's whole Amnesia "I could work" speech, or Sookie's fleeting wish that he was just a "regular vamp." Even if he did opt into that scenario and get written off as a power player, it wouldn't stop him from being formidable in his own right. Just random thoughts that have nothing to do with what I think will actually happen in the series. :)
-chicpea (forgot to sign above)


Re: Babble peppermintyrose May 24 2012, 09:42:33 UTC
I think the key though is that no other vampire will care that much about what the hell Eric is doing other than Eric. All the vampires are just self centred. There's really no consequences for Eric other than letting others know you're not a perfect vampire, except in Eric's own mind.

I doubt that Eric would ever opt out of politics altogether. He likes it a lot, and it seems to fill some gaps for him. And his life would be worse if he wasn't worth something to someone - in that he would have more difficulty fending off Felipe's attention to Sookie. After all, Felipe would just relocate him where ever is convenient. Plus, I think he'd drive Sookie batshit with all that pent-up political energy left to lie fallow. :D


Re: Babble peppermintyrose May 24 2012, 09:38:10 UTC
I wholeheartedly agree that looking at Appius and Alexei, it'd be further reinforcement that caring for things would be a problem for a good vampire.

I also agree with you - he's perfect middle management material - he doesn't want too much responsibility. I think he couldn't really handle it all - he'd make a fucking terrible King. And honestly, it got him through 1000 years - it's working well for staying alive.

I don't agree - Eric hadn't made up his mind right then - right at the moment when he was told not only did he not control his fate or his own mind, if the spell was lifted, but also that he was rejected at Sookie's whim - this is like the two things Eric fears the most. If Mickey *hadn't* have broken in right then, then Eric would have gone so bad. Which is CH's classic device for stopping characters from doing something unredeemable.

And while Eric says what he tells her is true - then the statement that he didn't know if he should kill her or fuck her - is, ipso facto, a statement that's true. I mean, what would he have done if Mickey *didn't* break in, and the smell of fairy, the heady whiff of rejection, the feeling of not being in control, and Sookie's blood and reluctance? When would Eric have stopped himself?

I don't really think Eric has revealed his uncertainty to Sookie - he's given hints of it, but Sookie doesn't have the luxury of sitting down and examining his exact word use. We have a 'transcript' of their conversation - that usually takes me about a year to delve into. Sookie hasn't had that sort of time, and I doubt she's inclined at all. It is revealed to the reader, but not so much to Sookie.

Lol - I didn't even think about that until you pointed it out. I admit, though, that the prose of the books influences my writing. What can I say - excellent source material. :D

Oh, I don't think that means anything more than like so many things that vampires are able to use people as tools. :D But Bubba has more freedom than any other vampire - but of course he also doesn't get the harsh treatment so many vampires get. And he has no real responsibility.


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