So you want to rewrite canon from your starting point of choice and "improve" on the books and make them far more awesome. One of the ways you want to do that is give Sookie powers up the wazoo, give Sookie all the money in the world, or often times to make her smarter.
I keep seeing these claims that fics have a "Smarter Sookie" or reviewers
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Thyra - great list!
I don't think, though, that 'smart' as it's used in some of these stories really means 'smart' like we'd define it. And there's a whole bunch of underlying assumptions that you have to buy into to justify Sookie's 'smartness' like Bill is a mudering psycho and Eric is a prize. It never seems to be about being smart in a 'trying not to get raped or eaten' kind of way, but only smart in getting the guy.
See, that doesn't make much sense though. Because isn't the rationale that Eric was dying to marry Sookie from the moment he met her, but he's been going slow for her sake? Of course, there are dumber"smarter" Sookies who spend their days in bed, being nothing more than a Stepford fucktoy who sleeps all day, and becomes his doormat, and she's still not considered smarter until she delegates all fucking thought to Eric.
But aren't the 'smart' Sookies the ones who 'know' how 'good' Eric is from the get-go? So they hate Bill and realise their lives are shitty and pointless and proceed to sit their bottoms down beside the throne at Fangtasia and wait for instructions. After all, she's always considered 'reasonable' by reviewers when she 'gives Eric a chance' to make his case without doing 'something childish and petulant' like, oh, I don't know...wanting a tiny bit of independence? That's the 'smart' move, surely? Sitting back and letting Eric sweep you off your feet?
Still, there probably isn't yet a fic where Eric has instigated the smiley face rating system for Sookie's blood as he feeds from her each night :)
Oh yes, that is "Smarter Sookie" in some aspects, but many of the "Smarter Sookie"s are expected not to just happen onto Eric, but rather, actively seek vampires out, like she already has knowledge that she has in the books. She should inexplicably figure it's a damn good time to party in a roomful of vampires. And then, from that moment, enter into a type of acolyte relationship with Eric, even if she's not screwing him.
Not quite yet. But it's only a matter of time before he starts going on about what she eats, so that he doesn't feed on younger, less wrinkly women. I predict after DL.
Oh yeah, no doubt if DL does have Eric quite explicitly using a donor, someone will have to re-write it so that Sookie can correct that mistake she made as well, just like all the others get corrected (most of which Thyra mentioned). This time she's clearly foolishly stopped letting Eric feed or whatever so that he was compelled to go all 'out of character' and do something so inherently distasteful to him as sup from another woman. Yeah. Poor Eric.
Still waiting though for the story where the Fangtasia calendars are being sold for charity, maybe a nice one for amputees?
Poor Eric *and* Sookie the bitch deserves it. I'm sure in the books she'll be fine and get over it, but fanfic will require an entire re-write so that Sookie comes up and king hits a fangbanger, and Eric calls his food a whore. Then Sookie shows how "strong" and "smart" she is by becoming his packed lunch.
Charity doesn't quite give Eric the glamour he requires. It's all boring that way. Possibly, he'll sell a date with himself to help babies or something.
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