Such is this time of year that I am most likely to leave the fandom. This is the third year in a row, and can't it be over now? The Sookie hate, and the complaints about the books drive me up the wall. I almost left this time last year - so I'm not really talking anywhere but here, where I can blast the hell out of negative Nellies in the
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But I write that off as a cultural thing. Sookie`s brought up with "Christian values". So am I, probably, but we call it something else.
I think it`s important in our understanding of Sookie. She is trying to hold onto something. Something that`s hers, something she thinks is right. And it`s just not possible in a vampire world.
I can't really take a fairer line with Sookie and Eric, because really, this is one of the *only* places, if not the *only* place where Sookie bashing will get you a smackdown. People can't find anything but "Sookie should do this" everywhere else. It's not as if it's not countered by a million "Eric is right always" comments.
Sorry again if I offended, because it was so not my intention. I do like it here, otherwise I wouldn't have come.
I find that it's lot easier to be misunderstood online than in real life, since there isn't a tone of voice or facial expressions to help someone else understand you. Sometimes I even worry if I'm expressing myself the right way, since English is not my first language, although I think my English is quite good.
I just been feeling kind of lost in the SVM fandom for a long time. I just don't seem able to find my niche you know? I'm not into fics anymore. I found fanfic right after From Dead to Worse came out, but since them a lot has changed...It's all weird now, sadly.
I know what you mean about the difficulty of the niche. There's not much of a middle ground.
HP was an allegory for Nazi Germany, so I liked it fine. I never had to dig so much for character motivation, and the characters were rather simple.
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