Fanfic Futures - Place Your Bets

May 02, 2011 04:21

Okay, so I've finished reading Dead Reckoning, and I bloody hope you have too if you're reading this. If not, turn asunder or be badly spoiled.

My quick review of Dead Reckoning:

I'll need more time to process and definitely time to re-read of course - this was taking one big gulp, and now it's about going through it with a fine tooth comb again and again. I loved this book, although I was sad to see we didn't get more than the snippet of Kennedy (the bartender in Merlotte's). I really like her. But I did have another favourite character - Dermot. I thought he was wonderful, and a real treat.

The grim humour, as always, was a true treat. Sandra coming in and wondering what it takes for Sookie to die? Priceless. I love that Lily and Jack were there - they're from the Lily Bard books. I love the new characters to consider - Bellenos, Mustafa Khan, Immanuel. I love that Sookie severed Victor's spine.

Throwing water on Eric and Pam? Absolutely lovely. Pam telling Eric Sookie deserves a better husband? Beautiful. Gran's letter made me tear up, of course. I think I love Dermot - he was truly a real star of this book. I love that the bond was broken, and that they had some talking to do. I was happy to see that Eric didn't totally feature in this book, but now we'll all have to wait for next year to see how Eric comes down on his decision, and how hard he'll fight to be with Sookie, rather than just owning her. Thank god with the bond gone, he can't haul her off to Oklahoma to be his kept woman while he fucks his vampire wife.

Bill actually made me laugh - this is becoming a trend for him, and he seems much more light hearted in the last couple of books. I suppose he feels that he's made up for all the stuff he's fucked up with Sookie. I thought he was a good steady presence, and I'm glad that he's got more descendants. Contrary to some readers, I don't actually like to see Bill in pain and hurting. He's not Hannibill Lecter, and I'd like to see him settle into a role in Sookie's life as long as he's relatively happy.  I love the way that Judith left Bill - with such dignity and class - I was really proud of her.

Pam made my heart break. I was there with Sookie wanting to do something to ease her pain, and I'm sad that she couldn't. Amelia should sit in the naughty chair for quite a while for fucking with Sookie, and as always, I do wish Alcide would eat a bag of dicks. I'm sure Indira's got one. :D

This book did a big info drop on fairies. I'll have to think about it and re-read it some more of course, because it's dropped all over the place. The bits about Mr. Cataliades and what the fuck was Fintan thinking? Also interested to find out that the essential spark is human in origin, not Fae, and thus does not hold the secrets to immortality.

Favourite quote:

"I love you," Bill said helplessly, as if he wished those magic words would heal me.
But he knew they wouldn't.
"That's what you all keep saying," I answered.
"But it doesn't seem to get me any happier."
Dead Reckoning, p. 262

I usually engage in this sort of betting by PM with a few friends of mine. But that tends to be all over the place, and not coherent, and there's no reason why I can't jump ahead of the trend and have a little fun celebrating generally on reading a great book. So we're doing fanfiction futures, and you can lay your bets in the comments, and then come back and gloat on your victory.

Now, I should say at the outset, that I don't mention fic names. I let you work it out all by yourself. But I'm going to predict general storylines, themes or scenes that will take place in post DR fics. They're in no particular order.


- General theme: Eric finds a really easy way to get out of the marriage, and then becomes Regent. Boning ensues.
- General theme: Sookie uses the cluviel dor to wish herself immortal and married to Eric. Boning ensues.
- General theme: Sookie uses the cluviel dor to wish herself immortal, and Eric King. Boning ensues.
- General theme: Sookie uses the cluviel dor to give Eric something he wants.

- Sookie gets a lecture from Eric over how she has to like him no matter what and seek to understand him to the point that she's willing to roll around in the blood and guts of his enemies when he feels horny.

- Sookie gets a lecture that she should learn to love killing, even if it disgusts her and makes her hate herself.

- It is revealed that either Bill, Dermot or Sam* are behind Eric's marriage to the Queen of Oklahoma.

- It is revealed that either Bill, Dermot or Sam* is behind some elaborate fairy breeding program.

- Bill, Dermot or Sam* makes overtures to Sookie and she feels forced to get them out of her life, so she's not distracted from waiting for Eric to bone her.

- Sookie gets a lecture in how Thalia and all the other vampires who follow Eric would have thought badly of him if he didn't bite, hurt and make his wife cry.

- Sookie grovels for an entire fic so that Eric won't marry Freyda and put her aside; and admits that this marriage is all her fault because she wouldn't do as she's told. And Eric shows the value of not doing as he's told by ignoring his Master.

- DR is re-written in entirety, making the book relationship take a couple of steps back, and Eric does no wrong.

*Bill, Dermot and Sam are marriageable males, who spent time with Sookie, and ostensibly cockblocked the non-existent Eric. So we all know, they've gotta die or be evil so that Eric and Sookie could bone 24 hours a day.

- It is revealed that Amelia is behind some evil conspiracy theory where she promised Alcide were babies with Sookie.

- Eric proves Quinn wrong by choosing Sookie over power in another state.

- Eric goes on trial (what he said would happen if he killed Victor).

- Sookie agrees to be Eric's kept woman (although she is never called this in the fic) while Eric marries Freyda.

- Pam is proven right with her statement about what a lacking husband Eric is, and Eric leaves Sookie to give her a better husband, with which Sookie then agrees to taking whatever shit Eric wants to dish out.

- Eric gets a lecture from Sookie over how much he has to like her no matter what and seek to understand her to the point that he understands she's not willing to roll around in the blood and guts of his enemies when he feels horny.

- Eric gets a lecture for making his wife cry and hurting her, deliberately so with malice and forethought.

- Pam becomes multi-dimensional and no longer natters on about fucking shoes and baby showers. She talks about strategy and fighting.

- Pam is proven right with her statement about what a lacking husband Eric is, and Eric starts to be a better husband without Sookie having to change as well.

- Pam is proven right with her statement about what a lacking husband Eric is, and Eric leaves Sookie to give her a better husband, and it's permanent.

- Sookie uses the cluviel dor to give herself something she wants (excepting if it's also something Eric wants, like for her to do as she's told, be a vampire etc.).

- Sookie uses the cluviel dor to give Hunter something he wants.

So. What are your predictions? Oh, and you know this is the place to rave about DR in the comments. :D

EDIT: First winner goes to Anonymous poster! I just read a fic update wherein it's a devious plan all to separate Sookie and Eric, and St. Eric is doing it for her own good! Congrats Anon. :D

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