I think maybe this one might be a little more advanced than my usual, but the issue is something I'm curious about, as a sociological issue, and through the prism of my studies. This won't be an exhaustive explanation, but hopefully my ideas will communicate enough - I tend to keep some vital information in my head at times, which is a
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It would be one thing if these pet/vamp fics were written as socio-political commentary, but that’s not the sense I get from them, nor is it how they are generally responded to in the community. So if anything good should come out of them, then perhaps it is through this blog post. So thank you for that.
Thyra said: “CH has given us no reason to look up to vampires.” Yes, and in fact, they are often held up as a bad example, as things we should *not* do. When we see humans in SVM acting in vampire-like ways, it’s a way of calling attention to their bad behavior. So it is twisted, though sadly not surprising, to see this kind of behavior being promoted.
I never need to look far to find examples of it in my daily life. The girl comes home from school, tells me how she stuck up for another girl w/ a speech impediment and I am a) thrilled that she showed concern for a peer & had the gumption to stick up for her and b) simultaneously worried that she’ll be lumped in w/ the “bottom tier.” The choices can sometimes seem limited: ally yourself w/ the powerful & bask in their reflected “glory” or get trampled. It’s not that limited, of course, but it takes some extra thought & effort to work around it, even on the elementary school playground.
Humans behave badly.
Oh, and have you read Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada?
Well of course, Eric is the perfect übermenschen - he's the physical embodiment, even if he does way too much thinking. Although, in fanfic, Eric has much more of the HULK SMASH approach that he needs.
Oh yeah - I would love something that was a socio-political commentary, but the odds of that are slim. Mostly it's an elaborate excuse for Eric to bone Sookie - and she's already pre-fangbanged, and she thinks the sun shines out of vampire arse. No need for that pesky racial loyalty and Christian values, which rushes the boning along.
I agree - and yet the bad behaviour that we see out of vampires is adopted as something desirable, or minimised. If Eric says he'll torture Sookie, he must be joking. If Pam kicks some guy in the shoulder, it's funny. It's twisted, but not surprising.
I haven't read that, but I did read a wonderful book called "...Then Nothing Will Fail" by Ted Kazmierski - really excellent book. And the author lives near me. :D
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