Nano meme stolen from speaky-bean

Oct 23, 2010 00:15

Working Title: Bride, inspired by this photo manip.
Genre: Gothic historical (you could probably say historical Irish gothic)
Projected Word Count: 50k is the minimum since that's what's required for the Nano.

Have an outline? I actually planned one a few years ago (back in 2006) when I first participated. I know what happens more or less sequentially but even that doesn't make things easier.
Scene-by-scene? Nope, but chapter-by-chapter. Scene-by-scene actually sounds like a good idea, though.
Know how it starts? Yup - first, with Sylvia Plath's poem “Lorelei,” which is the name of the heroine, then an obituary, then either a diary entry or a third-person omniscient narration.
Know how it ends? Totally. I don't think I've ever written a story where I didn't know what would happen in the end. What fascinates me is finding a way to that end.
Have your climax in order? I guess so, but the climax isn't going to happen until much later and I'm now thinking of plot fillers and the sort.
Know your main characters yet? Yes. First, there's Nathaniel Donoghue, then Lorelei Waterstone, her sister Sarah and their parents...not to mention a scary, suspicious old maid.

Funny? I can't see it being funny as a whole but I suppose I could try incorporating some dark humor.
Serious? Absolutely. The theme of this work is about doomed love and forced marriage/intimacy (not rape), which would fall under lack of agency.
Sad? Yes, towards the end, there will be some tragedy (man, I hate giving spoilers).
Semi-Autobiographical? Somewhat, since the story deals with how you can often feel that you are subject to forces completely out of your control and the real fear of having to settle down with someone you dislike.
Based on another story? It's based on the Greek myth of Philinnion and Mekhates.

A paper journal? That's where I wrote down the story outline.
Multicolored pens? Nope but that sounds like a good idea.
A computer? Yes.
Index cards? How do you use those?.
Bulleted lists? No!
Plot Charts? What the heck are those?
Character Charts? See above..
Character formulas? Ditto.
Favorite writing resource? I'm not sure I have any.

A line you would like to use: Not sure yet.
A scene you would like to include: A scene in a mausoleum, I would say. Nathan goes to visit the place in order to do some sketches and he steps inside as it is the Waterstone family mausoleum. He will find a heavy sarcophagus that he will be unable to open.
A concept you would like to explore: Love outliving death? No, I would say, male agency as opposed to female agency. Are females more empowered in society or do men have their moments of helplessness, too?
A cliché you would like to avoid: Necrophilia.
A character you would like to use: An artist who loves to do landscapes!

Do you expect to be able to complete it? God, I hope so.
Do you intend to complete it? Why not?
Would you ever try to publish it? Totally, I even decided which independent publishers I'd like to send the manuscript to.
What do you expect to get out of this month of frantic writing? The first draft of a finished original novel, something I can actually take credit for (as opposed to fanfiction).


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