(no subject)

Jan 07, 2005 10:31

I can't wait till tomorro me and pam ans Jazz are going to the mall/store/whatever. It will be fun.
It makes me really mad because everyone is so stupid when It comes to drugs. You turn on the t.v and what do you see? Everyone going on and on about how bad pot is for you and how it is such a big problem in the world. The government has spent billions and billions of dollers on researching pot to see if it is bad for you, and they could'nt!!!!!!!! Smoking cigarettes will kill you 20 time faster than pot. and it is the smoke from the pot, not the T.H.C.
And they don't want to talk about how the whole damm world is stoned. Look in your parents medicine cabinet some day, you will see all the pills they have to take just to get through the day. Prozac, caffeine pills, then sleeping pills so they can knock themselfs out, blah, blah, blah. So whats the differents between your parents and the crack head down the corner?
taking drugs the doctor gives you is way more acceptable then bying them
from your dealer.
Our world today is teaching kids that it's ok if you get drugs from you doctor, hear have some riddelin that you don't need. We are raising kids to be addicted to drugs and we do'nt even know it!!!! And 1\4 of the kids who have ADHD or ADD need medicine and 3\4 of them get it. Now that is screwed up.
And people get mad at me for smoking a little hash, while protesting the war.
THis world sucks.
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