Title: Dear somebody
Author: peppermintmoons
Rating: PG-13, for now anyways.
Pairing: Ryden
POV: 3rd
Summary: Brendon writes love letters but never gives them to anyone,so he labels them 'Dear somebody'[More info in story]
Disclaimer: This is sooo not real.
A/N-I got this idea from my kitty,Licorice.Cause she's just too cute. Comments make me happy!PS-I need a beta and a co-writer!
Dear somebody,
I love you,i love the air you breathe and the steps you take.
I want you.
You want me too.
And I'm sure of it.
Brendon tucked the letter into his desk drawer. He had a bunch of them in there. He never gave them to anyone but he would someday. Just then he heard a thump next to him.His cat Licorice,the cutest black cat ever,pounced on his chair.
Brendon smiled,and said to the cat,"Hey sweetheart." She purred as he rubbed behind her ears.He sighed as he set her down on his desk,he stood up and walked to his kitchen.Licorice was at his feet,like always.
Brendon smiled as he bent over to pick up her food bowl. She meowed anxiously as her 'daddy' poured her food. The dry food clanged against the bowl. Brendon filled her bowl to the top and set it down on Licorice's little place mat on the floor.Licorice gobbled up the food at a quick pace,she was always hungery.
Brendon walked into his living room.He lived in an apartment,just south of Lake Erie.He didn't mind Ohio. It was quiet and sunny.He moved there to go to Ohio State and major in writing.The letters where more detailed before he went to college.He was so lonely those 3 and a half years he almost committed suicide.His friend and room mate,Jon Walker,was worried about him.Turns out Brendon had depression.The doctor told him to finish college then just relax for a year or so,to get his head together.Brendon took his advice and he has been doing alot better.
The one day he was walking past a pet store and saw the most beautiful little black kitten.He thought 'Hey,why not?She can keep me company.' And she still has,but not enough.
Brendon longed for someone to love him.He wanted to be kissed and told that he was amazing.But he still hasn't found anyone.
Brendon flipped on the T.V. There was nothing on,just the 5 o'clock news and some other very uninteresting shit.Licorice ran up to the couch and jumped on it.Brendon smiled and pet her.And that's what he's been doing the past half a year,sitting and petting his cat.
See,Brendon never dated.Hell,he's never even been kissed yet.He had a feeling he was going to grow old with 30 cats and yell at kids to say off his yard.He was an empty shell.His heart ached for love.Back when he was in school,when ever he saw that boy(or girl)he liked he felt like his body was numb and his heart was stabbed so it could not beat anymore.He tried everything but nothing worked.He couldn't make anyone fall in love with him.He woke up,went out,ate,shopped,slept and watched TV alone.
Gee,and the doctor wonders why he's depressed.Love can cure everything.