Aug 04, 2005 23:21
1. Brian
2. Kyra
3. Bruce
4. Kristen
5. Katie
6. Jake
7. Bryon
8. McLoffs
9. Jonalynn
Now answer:
- How do you know 4?
Actually I keep running into her in the hallway of my apartment, but I have no idea how she got there.
- Have you ever had a crush on 7?
No, Kyra, he's all yours. He's a great buddy, though. And I'm glad he's good to you.
- What's your favorite memory with 1?
Earlier this week we were at his parents house in Gig Harbor, and we took a walk on the beach with his dog, Fuji. We took turns tossing Fuji's stick into the water so he could swim and fetch it until dusk, while Brian and I talked.
- Would 2 and 10 make a good couple?
Ha! Kyra and Eric? I can't stop laughing long enough to answer.
- Do 8 and 5 know eachother?
Katie and McLoffs worked together with me and most of my other friends. Somehow everyone I know knows eachother... Lets see: I'm with 1; who introduced me to 5; who is moving in with 6; who hired 2 at my assurence of her amazing talents; who is with 7; who I met through 3; who is with 9, who worked with 1,2,4,5,6, and 8; 5 lived with 4; 4 now lives with me and is with 10; I could -- my wonderful srcewed up family of friends -- go on and on.
- When was the last time you saw 3?
About two and a half hours ago. I've been visiting him in his new Kent home, where 2 and 7, and later on 9 will be joining him soon.
- Do you find 6 attracive?
Well no. Not to mention that our personalities just don't jive. (See his 'meme')
- Have you ever fought with 9?
Disagreed, yes. Fought, no.
- What is your favorite thing about 6?
He adores one of my favorite people, and she deserves that kind of adoration.
- What is 4 favorite color?
I'm not sure she has one. But I know she likes dark, bold colors.
- How old is 9?
31 as of last weekend.
- What is 2's last name?
Mother-Fucking Woodworth.
- What is your favorite memory about 3?
When we were little kids we used to cover the living room floor with legos and build towns.
- Tell a story about you and 8:
We were at the Sportspage on Tubs Night with a bunch of friends and decided to go next door to My Office for shots. He bought yager and tequila shots for approximately 10 people.
- If you were on a sinking ship and you could only save 1 or 7?
Sorry, but there's one person I can call Brian and my best friend, so I'd have save him.
- What's an inside joke with you and 5?
"Is it raining!!?"
- If you could say anything to 10, right now, what would it be?
Thanks for cleaning out broken garbage disposal. You're the best roommate's boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. Life the 'high life.'