1. Wow! I could just smell the Cedric/Harry slash from the moment Cedric reached for Harry's hand after the QWC-ward portkey.
2. I have a picture of Rhys, my own Common Welsh Green :winks at
aurora_bee:, around my neck on our way out of the theater, which I shall post later.
3. I *need* pics of (a) Nev and Ginny (Neville + Ginny 4eva!!!!!) and (b) Flitwick surfing the crowd; both from the Ball, of course.
4. I knew that Winky wouldn't be there, but it still rankles. :pouts:
5. Do they really pronounce "sieve" as "seev" in the UK? Because in the US, it's "sihv," making the name of the bowl a play on the word, um, well, "pensive."
It's late and I'm tired, and I have this weird cut on my thumb that hurts every time I hit the space bar, so I'm off to bed.
'Night all!