Title: Honesty -- Chapter 17, The Return to Smallville
Author: PepperjackCandy
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Category: Established Relationship
Spoilers for: Late Tempest, but not Vortex
Disclaimer: I own nothing Smallville-related, or related in any other way to Clark Kent, Superman or any of the various creations of the wonderful folks at DC Comics.
Feedback: Always welcome, either by lj comment, e-mail or using the review system at fanfiction.net.
Clark's heart froze in his chest as he reached blindly for Lex's hand. Once he had it, he asked, "Has anyone been hurt?"
"It's too early to say; all of the phone lines are down. I just got the news from a contact in Grandville. Three touched down south of town at 8:00 this evening.
"That's all I can tell you for now."
"We've got to get back," Jonathan insisted.
"Not tonight. They've closed all of the airports in Lowell County."
"We won't need the airport. You can just send us in a helicopter."
"I can't."
Jonathan started getting angry, but, like a cat, Bruce seemed to increase in size, "If it's not safe to fly in a plane, it's certainly not safe for a helicopter. Smallville will still be there in the morning. And if the situation is that dire, my men can handle it."
Jonathan instantly backed down.
"Why don't you and Mrs. Kent go on to bed. I'll have someone come wake you as soon as we've been given the all-clear. That way, you can be on the road as early as possible."
Jonathan nodded, grudgingly, "Thanks."
The sky outside was barely light when Martha poked her head into Clark's room. "We'll be leaving for the airport in an hour."
"Thanks, Mom."
Clark showered and dressed, then joined his parents at breakfast. Lex came down ten minutes later, and Clark watched while the billionaires debated the best way back to Smallville - helicopter or private jet.
The winner was private jet to Metropolis, helicopter from Metropolis to Smallville. They'd land at the Kents' home and Jonathan and Martha could check on their own property before heading out to help their neighbors.
As luck would have it, the flight to Metropolis was the last bit of peace the boys would have for a while.
Upon their landing in Metropolis, the plane was met by Dominic Senatori. "Lex," he said, eyes flickering briefly to take in the assembled Kents, "I have bad news for you."
"Yes?" Lex asked impatiently when Dominic hesitated.
"The mansion. It was hit by the tornado. They weren't prepared, and . . . there was fairly extensive damage."
This hardly rates a private visit, Lex groused silently.
"Your father was injured. He's at Metropolis General."
Lex froze. What was Dad doing in the mansion? Doesn't matter. "How is he?"
"It doesn't look good. He was trapped under a column. It took the staff a while to find him. He's in a coma now, and they may have to operate."
Lex knew that however much he wanted to stay with the Kents, his place was with his father. He glanced back at his boyfriend and his family. They silently urged him to go. So it was that without even a handclasp from his boyfriend in farewell, Lex left for the hospital.
The Kents, for their part, were bundled hurriedly onto a helicopter and headed off to Smallville.
When they landed, all was as it had appeared when they left.
Two young men came out of the house. They introduced themselves and updated Jonathan on the state of the livestock and the neighbors. Once Jonathan was assured that everything was fine, the Kents addressed themselves to the needs of their neighbors.
Jonathan and Martha got in the truck and headed for downtown Smallville while Clark went over to Lana's on his way to the mansion to check out the damage there.
When Clark arrived at Nell's house, Lana and Pete were on the porch, and Lana looked like she'd been crying.
"Is everything all right?" Clark asked, "Chloe?" Please let Chloe be all right. I'll never forgive myself if . . .
"Chloe's fine," Pete assured him.
"When I got home last night, I didn't even notice that the window was open," Lana said. "It took me until this morning to notice - my necklace was stolen last night."
Not the most exciting of cliffhangers, but I felt I needed to break here, because here is where my old Whitfic story,
Conduit (uploaded immediately after this one), fits into the Honestyverse. Well, or will fit in, once the Honestyverse reaches that point. I originally set the story in 2004, but I'm going to move it back to 2003.