Dec 11, 2007 18:05
Actually quoted from one of my textbooks. No joke.
Nursing Diagnosis:
Disturbed Energy Field
Definition: Disruption of the flow of energy [aura] surrounding a person's being that results in a disharmony of the body, mind and/or spirit.
Defining characteristics:
Perception of changes in patterns energy flow, such as movement, sounds, temperature change, visual changes, disruption of the field.
To evaluate energy field:
-Place client in sitting or supine position with legs/arms uncrossed. Place pillows or other supports to enhance comfort and relaxation.
-Center self physically and psychologically to quiet mind and turn attention to the healing intent.
-Move hands slowly over client at level of 2 to 3 inches above skin to assess state of energy field and flow of energy within the system.
-Identify areas of imbalance or obstruction in the field.
Nurse's Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions, and Rationales, Doenges et. al. 2006.
Meanwhile, the finals eat my brains. BRAAAAAIIIINNNNNNNSSS.