A Quiz

Sep 25, 2007 20:21

This won't have the fancy pants radio buttons that other LJ quizzes have, but I would like your feedback.

Background: My (new) job doesn't allow access to web-based email (lots of good reasons for this) and I learned today that I missed a big discussion among my housemates regarding our house dinner tonight and other issues that was carried on via email. So I was thinking today, leaving work, that it might be worthwhile for me to acquire some kind of blackberry device, or at least a mobile device/service that allows me to get email. It doesn't have to be all iphone like, just something that would allow me to send/receive email.

So, Question 1.
Should I get a cellular device/service that has email?

A. Yes! It's like, the 2000s pepperedjane!
B. Maybe? I mean, would you really use it all that much? Maybe you should take some time to see if you need to access your gmail at work.
C. No. That's a terrible idea -- what's the matter with being a Luddite?
D. Other thoughts, to be explained in comments.

Now, Question 2.
Given that yogamary and her family use Sprint, and I'd like to be able to talk to them for free and generally like the Sprint service, are there any phones and/or plans that you would recommend?

A. Yes! I know just the phone and plan, and I'll tell you about it.
B. Dude, Sprint is terrible. You should go with ____ carrier and get a good deal on minutes and data. I'll tell you about it in the comments.
C. Why can't you just be a Luddite, pepperedjane?

Quiz over!
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