I made a cake today...

Sep 05, 2012 22:37

...and I'm quite chuffed about it.

I'm taking the cake decorating classes for my degree in baking and pastry this semester. Today was the third day of class and we got to work with colors (yay!). I've done some decorating before, but until this last month it had been over two years since I picked up a pastry bag.

Everyone is picking it up really quickly in the class. It's really cool to look around a room and see twenty-odd different cakes in a rainbow of colors, all looking really excellent. There were some technicolor scary ones in there too, but that's also personal preference. To me, a heavily-dyed cake is gross, and you really only see heavily saturated frosting colors in the occasional, awful, "cake wrecks" qualifying, chain grocery store cake when in New England. It seems to be a lot more common in the South. I still have bad associations though. Also, all that dye makes the frosting bitter and stains your mouth. Then you poo weird colors... no. Not a fan. They are certainly eye catching though.

cake decorating, food, baking/pastry, education

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