Puff for Life

Sep 11, 2011 03:07

It's official. I'm a Hufflepuff :D And my wand is Dogwood (quirky and mischievous, noisy, not good with non-verbals but still capable of outstanding spellwork) and Unicorn Hair (consistent, very loyal to witch or wizard of its choosing, anti-dark magic) 11 inches and slightly springy. I figure it's a good fit.

(Now I'm going to talk like unicorns actually exist because it's 2:30 am and I've gone mildly insane:) I like that unicorn hair is something that can be procured without harming the animal, that's a plus. Otherwise, I mean, I had a mild unicorn obsession when I was about six or seven but I've quite grown out of that and now when I saw it I was like... gah so girly. But I am girly. I remember there being something in the books about unicorns being attracted to those pure of heart and intentions or something along those lines (or I might just be confusing stuff with fanfiction in which case...) so I think I'd rather focus on that idea than on the whole... crazy horse-obsessed girly factor.

Anyway, I love dogwood trees. I think they are absolutely beautiful and there were a bunch outside of my middle school that we used to climb and hang out in after school and I have very good memories of that. They're short and open-limbed and that make them seem very friendly and non-imposing to my cracked-out mind (notactually cracked out, good lord, just naturally mildly insane).

Slightly springy is very fitting as well. I like that. Makes me smile.

ANYWAY, enough obsessing about my wand. I got a tawny owl (no, not for real). I freaking love tawny owls. So beautiful. Not that it should surprise anyone who knows me that I got an owl because not only am I a ridiculously practical-minded person, for the most part, but I have had a mild obsession with owls since a trip to Disney World when I was a kid where I got called up to the stage of a bird show and had one fly right over me and land next to me. They're so beautiful and I love their big eyes and the way their heads move and how they look super-pompous when they're shifting position or fluffing their feathers. Owls are cool. Basically. (Cool like bow ties and fezzes).

In other news, there is a cockroach in my room that is too freaking fast for me and it's been hiding behind my hutch but it is really psyching me out. I need to get the roach murdering roach food. This place has too many holes and cracks to let the little buggers in. The spray is not enough. Stupid evil bugs. At least I'm no longer screaming my head off at every encounter, this is a very big improvement. Of course, the discovery of the use of Scrubbing Bubbles as effective chemical warfare has boosted my confidence in dealing with the little buggers. I have a can beside my bed. Which makes it seem like I am overrun with roaches, but I'm really just paranoid as hell.

In other other news, I think my new soap must have lanolin in it (aka sheep grease. I'm allergic to the stuff and therefore wool and I are mortal enemies), or else this detergent has something I'm not aware I'm allergic to. The problem is, did laundry with new detergent just before switching to new soap, so it's hard to tell the culprit. Must check both for signs of woolly-badness. Basically, I'm covered in hives. How's that for TMI?


sheep grease, pottermore, harry potter, evil insects, allergies, internet

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