Some weirdness and then kind of an explosion of affection.

Nov 06, 2007 12:07

Urgh. I feel very weird. Couple of months ago, I had some 3a.m. heavy breather calls on my mobile. I let the bf answer it, the second time (he's very good at a "scarily angry" voice *g*), then switched the phone off and thought no more of it. It was quiet for a while, then I had another call, a few weeks later, so I started turning the mobile off at night, so they'd get discouraged and give up (I used to leave it on in case of emergency). Thought nothing more of it. But just now (midday) I had another creepy call - someone whispering "Hello beautiful". Which isn't the scariest or most offensive thing I've ever had said to me, okay, but still - I don't like it.

As it's on my mobile rather than a landline, I have to report it to the police before the mobile company will do anything about it - which seems rather an overreaction. I dunno. I don't want to keep getting the calls, though - and I can't leave my phone off during the day. Changing my number is an option, but a) it's a pain, and b) if anyone should be inconvenienced, it should be the caller. I don't give my number out to all and sundry, and I keep it off of distribution lists - but over time I have given it to various companies, etc, so it's possible it's someone who's actually met me or spoken to me, rather than someone trying random numbers. It's more likely to be someone who just found a female voice and noted the number for repeat phone hassling - but either way, I don't know, and he's succeeded in giving me the creeps.

Ugh, ugh, ugh. *sends ninja army after him*


On a much happier note - it's a year since I joined LJ! I had some bright ideas about what I was going to do, but I haven't had the time - I'll try to do it this weekend. Mainly, though, I just want to say how much fun I've been having, and how much you guys brighten my life, every day. You're an incredibly intelligent, fun, caring, interesting, thought-provoking, squeeful, inspiring bunch, and I love you all THIS MUCH! :) *squishes you all*

Being on LJ has enabled me to start talking again to old friends, make new friends, actually meet people in real life from just chatting on LJ, and spend hours and hours on AIM (*g*). I've written fic, pr0n, crack!fic, snippets, and WIPs (my stargate_fic tag has 80 entries!), and I've read stories that have been so unbelievably brilliant in a myriad of different ways, and which will stay with me forever. I've made icons. I've become a mod. I've laughed out loud, and made very high-pitched noises about all sorts of nonsense. I've had post from the other side of the world, been cheered up when I felt down, read about and discussed much more serious things such as feminism and prejudice, and some things that are of more specific interest to me, such as writing, science fiction, fandom, humour, television, and the hairstyles on Stargate. I couldn't be more surprised at the impact it's had on me. Srsly, dudes.

And, omg, someone wrote me a POEM on

pellucid's anonymous love meme!!! *is completely speechless*

*goes to add own votes of love*

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