Meme - tagged by
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.
1. Stairs give me the heebie-jeebies, and I don't like glass bridges, or those windows on the top of tall buildings that lean out, but I love roller-coasters and those rides that shoot up and then plummet down, and being on clifftops and up hills or mountains. I don't know why my fear of heights is so inconsistent.
2. I walk very quietly. My family and friends accuse me of sneaking up on them, people at work think I'm a ninja, but really, it's not on purpose. I just do.
3. Except when I wear any of my collection of heeled shoes, when I clump around and trip over the carpet. I'm not good with heels.
4. Someday, I'm going to have a giant pie-fight. Seriously. It's an ambition of mine. There will be video invites, featuring clips from The Great Race, Monty Python At The Hollywood Bowl, that Beastie Boys video, Bugsy Malone... and anything else I can find. I will also try to put in quotes from 'How Much For Just The Planet?'. /geek
5. I speak the odd word and phrase in Welsh, but wasn't aware of it until fairly recently. They're words I got from my mum, who is half Welsh and lived for a time in Wales. "Iesu mawr" is one. "Ych-a-fi" is another.
6. I just grew a dwarf sunflower, and it was a pale lemony yellow colour, and so pretty, and I keep meaning to post a pic because I know crazedturkey likes sunflowers. (Okay, I didn't grow it entirely without help - I never remember to water plants, or if I do, I over-water, so the bf was in charge of that. But it was my sunflower. We grew him one, too.)
7. I am insanely jealous of everyone who went to Dragon*Con. It sounds awesome. I will go, some year.
I tag whoever wants to do it. Another fact about me? I'm contrary.