Okay, I should probably be less proud of this than I am, because it was basically me following the tutor's instructions, with me chosing just the size of the objects, their placement, the way they fall, and the lighting and camera placement - but I still think it looks pritty. Below is what I produced in my animation class yesterday. The tutor talked us through creating the animation (pretty much all of which I could do from memory or previous notes), and then showed us how to apply colours and textures - he gave us the values for 'gold', 'glass', and 'chrome'. Then we rendered it (i.e. turned it into a Quicktime movie).
In previous lessons I've had time to mess around with the instructions. Last week, we were taught how to create eyes and to attach them to a basic shape, but I elaborated and turned it into a creepy leather hedgehog-creature (I don't know how to do spikes yet!). But I didn't have time, yesterday - we're creating each animation from scratch, so as the instructions get more complex, I get less time to play. But I have the programme at home (the Personal Learning Edition, anyhow), and plan to spend some time playing with it.
When I'm not writing my SDficathon story, of course. ;)
I'm still finding this class absolutely fascinating - when it's finished, I'm hoping to find an advanced class, or perhaps to learn something else in animation.
edit: For anyone who did the lj mojo meme, be warned: the nasty little asshats have replaced the results picture - and are using the data - for all the good it'll do.