I'm learning lots of new words (new to me, anyhow). Wo ai ni de pi gu (phonetic Chinese), from
urbandictionary.com - means "I like your ass." I like to think I'll end up speaking like a combination of 'Firefly' and 'Black Books'.
I think I need to Photoshop this picture so it no longer looks like Jack's got something up his nose. It's just a badly-placed speck of light on the glass he's looking through.
edit: Currently reading 'The Furies' by Abby Eddey, from
Heliopolis - Sam fighting for her world and her General - go Sam! Lots of Jack-whumping, death, destruction, trekking through the wilderness, upcoming battles, apocalypse, that sort of thing - NSFW - but I'm sure there's a happy ending because, er, I checked. Hey, I wanted to make sure it was finished before I started reading - it's something like 62,000 words long. That's a novel. How does she write that much? How???
edit 2: Anyone know what 'CFB' stands for? Used in the above story, in the below context. I get the gist, and can make an intelligent guess, but I'm just curious. I don't think it's Come F**k me Boots, Canadian Forces Base, or Circulating Fluidizing Bed:
"People," Carter spoke quietly as she stepped in front of the table, "I want this understood, C ... F ... B. I am done running. I am taking you home. We are not retreating. We are not pulling back. We are not running away. Starting today -- we are taking back our home from this enemy. I am bringing this battle to Earth. We start here ... We start today."