Just came across this io9 article on
how to get into 20 classic science fiction shows. I like how their advice for Stargate is to watch seasons 2 - 8. *g*
Whilst I agree that those are its prime years and that everyone should watch them, under duress if necessary - as my fiancé will wearily attest, I'm fundamentally incapable of accepting that someone doesn't love a show I love - they say at the beginning that this guide is meant for potential new fans, not people who already love these shows. Either the first couple of seasons grab you, or they don't and you're not going to enjoy the rest. And if you've watched seven seasons, you really might as well watch the other three.
Overall, I prefer season 3 to season 2, but season three opens with the second half of a not especially good two-parter ('Into The Fire'), and then 'Seth', and that's not fair to spring on a newbie. It doesn't get good until 'Fair Game' (and if you don't already know the Goa'uld, the sight of them eating Earth snacks won't be as hilarious as it might be otherwise), and it doesn't have a properly offworld episode* until seven shows in ('Deadman Switch').
Season 2 again starts with the second half of a two-parter - but a much better one, IMO - and is followed by 'In The Line Of Duty' (not one of my personal favourites, but kind of essential later), 'Prisoners', and 'Need'. There are some things in season 2 that a newbie would need to know about - but then again, there's a load of that in season 1.
Eh. I say start with season 1. Trial by fire. If you - you, the theoretical newbie - can handle the stilted scripting and studio-pleasing nekkid gurls of 'Children of the Gods', the horrible linguistic anthropology of 'Emancipation', and the bad science of 'Broca Divide' and 'The First Commandment' and still enjoy all the good things that make it Stargate ("If you don't make it... can I have your stereo?"), then you can handle anything they're going to throw at you later on.
Plus you should watch the original version of COTG, and not the revamp. Otherwise that joke in Moebius makes no sense at all.
Then again, I watched it in this order, IIRC: 4, 3, 7, 1, 2, 6, 5, 8, 9, 10. The only lasting damage was a feeling of disappointment when I discovered that 'Enemies pt 1' didn't exist.
It occurs to me that there's no point whatsoever to this post.
Oh, that reminds me, 'Affinity' is the last episode left unclaimed on the Redial
season 8 sign-ups.
* There is 'Learning Curve', but only half of the team is offworld in that, and it's mostly talky stuff.
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