Things I have done recently:
- Discovered a meadow - with cows! - right in the middle of Oxford. Okay, yes, I'm sure everyone else already knew about
Christ Church Meadow, and I had in fact seen one of the entrances to it, but I'd never investigated it. Cows! In the city!
- Went to see The A-Team. Da-da-duh-duuuuh, duh-duh-DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH... I practically bounced all the way home, feeling like I was seven again. EXPLOSIONS! Plans coming together! MORE EXPLOSIONS! Overkill is underrated! YET MORE EXPLOSIONS TIMES ELEVENTY! It was exactly like my memory of the A-Team, and not at all like actually rewatching the A-Team, IYSWIM. If you go see it, stick around until the end of the credits (unlike everyone else in the cinema with me - what is their hurry?).
They added a little more gravitas to the characters, which I kind of enjoyed. I loved the A-Team, but it was pretty silly. Hannibal was all very professional warrior, srs tactician, and still cigar-chomping originator of batshit insane plans. BA had a sweet little moral journey and kind of a terrible hairdo, and they actually explained his fear of flying, hoorah! Face was actually pretty similar to the series, except hotter and more manic. Murdock was more genuinely unhinged and a little less haha-he's-wearing-a-ballet-skirt (except for the bit with the blue paint, which cracked me up - oh, and stitching a lightning bolt into BA - and setting fire to Face...).
There's just something that gets me about four-person groups led by a colonel. :) Although I still maintain that it wouldn't have suffered if they'd made one (or more!) of them female - preferably Face, just to give Dirk Benedict conniptions.
And, dear god, the tank...
- Watched two more Mac S6 episodes, of which more later.
- Seriously underestimated RDA's capacity for incomprehensible text-speak. Zoiks.
- Also watched the last ep of Sherlock - only three eps? Boo. Also, bastards, for that ending. Loved the umpty-billion references to the original stories. V. fond of John.
- I'm sure there was something else...
- ...Nope, it's not coming back to me.
ETA: Oh, I remembered! My local shop is now selling kulfi lollies, in pistachio (my favourite!) and it makes me very haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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