Morning, all. I've got my
remixredux assignment. I'm feeling a little like I might want to put threatening comments in
nandamai's lj. She was too darn persuasive about joining in. Okay, and yes, maybe I was a little too willing to be persuaded. ;)
Actually, it's not that bad. The person I've been assigned is a good writer (and not one I'd read before, so that's nice for me). It's just... her Stargate fics are mainly relationship pieces for Jack/Daniel. I have no big objection to them together, but I've never written it, and... ack. I think the problem I'm having here is that she writes the pairing in a similar way to how I write Sam/Jack: it's the happy ending - the logical conclusion, once they're finally free to chose. It'd be against the spirit of her fics if I wrote Jack/Daniel only because Sam is otherwise unavailable, or there's some other extreme situation like the world ending or all their friends have died or some such. She has one AU fic that's not J/D (or any main character pairing, in fact), but that would be rather chicken of me... Argh... I knew this would happen.
Actually, the more I think about it, the more I'm thinking it's a fun challenge. Hmm... How to write Jack/Daniel, whilst keeping them in character, the way I see their characters. Preferably without turning Daniel into a pseudo-Sam. A challenge, yes...
Oh, and apparently all human life on Earth might be
destroyed by Apophis in 2036. That's taking fandom to an extreme, I feel.
edit: There are two authors on this particular website. I just realised I was reading the wrong one.