Summer Sunday picspam

Aug 02, 2009 19:55

Have been playing in the garden this afternoon - lots of pretty creepy-crawlies around, so I've been taking some photos. The bees, dammit, didn't hold still long enough for me to get a decent shot of them - but I caught a couple of butterflies and a dragonfly.

'Caught' as in 'took photos of'. I don't have them in a jar at home now. Urgh.

(Click on each pic to see the bigger version.)

The most picture-postcard shot of the afternoon.

I love the colour contrasts here.

This guy was gorgeous, but this was as close as I managed to get, so the focus is a bit soft.

This beautiful critter actually landed at eye-level, and held still, so I was able to take photos as close as my camera would focus - right up until my friend made me laugh, and I startled the dragonfly away. *g*

Beautiful, but... slightly nightmare-inducing.

enchanted oxford, picspam

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