Title: Makin' Whoopee
Author: Pepper
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 714
Featured Character(s): Jack, Sam (or Jonah, Thera)
Pairing: Jack/Sam (Jonah/Thera)
Summary: Jonah was singing whilst he worked.
A/N: I started writing this for
oxoniensis's Porn Battle VII (prompt word: nookie), but I ran out of time, and it simply didn't want to be pr0n. So I'll pretend I wrote
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Comments 30
This is so cute and funny and sexy....and then you remember it's not really them... *cries*
This is so, so fluffy and happy and awesome!
God, there are few things in the world that make me happier than you writing Sam/Jack. I mean Jonah/Thera. (And hahahaHA, how perfect is it that he drives her just as nuts even when they aren't themselves? Only Thera gets to have better coping options (hit him with a wrench or kiss him?). :D
Aww! Thank you. A Jack by any other name is just as irritating. *g* And having to cope with Jack whilst under his command would just mean that Sam has to be more creative. :D
Stupid, endearing hair?
Terrible singing?
Drives her bonkers no matter what his name is?
Yep, that sounds like our boy! :D
This is super cute/fluffy/fun/fabulous!
Poor Sam. *g*
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