Dec 25, 2002 03:11
here is what i recieved so far :
* victoria`s secret lotions [yea, i still gotta get my thong on!]
* make up cases in gold with make up in them! usefuL. =) i`ll just give all the shit i won`t use to my sister. she`ll like it ;D
* save the last dance on DVD
* legally blonde on DVD
* $225 -- will be put to great use. i promise.
* a rotostyler --as seen on tv--
* new shoes [like the steve madden ones - but 5o dollars cheaper!]
* clothes -- duh.
* a brown suede, fur lined jacket - i look like a million bucks!
* huuuuuge reversible nautica jacket
* other shit.. i`m too lazy to remember!
tomorrow, i`m going to the mall to get my ears double pierced - not my cartilage.. boo my dads a penis, my hair done, eyebrows waxed, and my frames! *yess* i`m so excited. plus, all the after christmas sales are on... so you bet i`ll be shopping! <33*
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Merry Christmas Hoes!!
ok, well... my christmas presents are on a bit of a delay because my parents have been busy working. i`ve formulated a christmas list, and trust me, i will be getting everything i want. not necessarily today, but within this break period =) it doesn`t bother me one bit. i just thought i`d share because i`m sure everyone and their brother will be posting what they got for christmas, and i don`t want to feel left out ;D hahaa
__ clothes -- what a given. i work at a clothing store. 3o% off bitch ;D [and shoes....]
__ hair treatment -- ugh, if you saw my hair, you`d know. i`m getting it trimmed and possibly highlighted - probably goldish blonde, but i was aiming for red. i`m undecided. maybe i`ll just dye it back to it`s natural color?! it`ll be a suprise...
__ geek glasses -- you know those thick ass frames? i found candies brand @ hour eyes. you don`t have to be smart, to look smart! i think they`re sexy. they must be perscription. i am no longer wearing contacts! *they suck*
__ piercings -- i never got my ears pierced. can you believe it?! i still don`t want them pierced either. i think i have big ears and would look stupid with shit hanging from them. but i want two cartilige holes done. my momma better agree man!
__ victoria`s secret -- you can never have too many thongs! let me tell you... plus i`m low on love spell and amber romance sprays and lotions =P *yumm* i`ll probably just use my g-ma`s tho, because she lives with me and that`s what i got her for x-mas ;D shut up, i`m a self-professed ghetto ass mother fucker.
__ new found glory. simple plan. save the last dance.
and i think that`s about it. i know it`s not much of a list, but i don`t need much. i pretty much have nearly everything i need. no wonder why it`s so hard shopping for me! i`m just up for a physical change. breaks are always the best time to step back and update your style. i`m going for a look no one has. like seriously, if you`ve seen me this break, you know i`ve been dressing *different*. not different as in some outrageous form of apparel - like bright green stockings with a yellow polka dot skirt - just dressy-casual. i dunno, it`s hard to explain.
i wonder what my uncles, aunts, and grandparents got me? just give me money, please. =)
don`t read my entry without wishing me a merry christmas, i`ll KILL you ;D