Apr 15, 2006 11:51
Welp, let me tell you, they may not have enough characters in this whole entry to tell you of the times I had tonight.
so, first me,manda,jared,will,ramsey and his ex all went and sat and watched scary movie 4.It was good times.So, then..we were walking to the car and I saw SHAWN EFFING ROY.Hate that kid.Anyways..so then I tell Felicia..and Im like, totally hating on this kid.So, we then...are walking to Jared's car..and I see Amanda's dad, and she dives into the back of his car like nothing I aint never seen before.LMAO.We always hit heads, like clashed head, when we got in a car.lol.Anyways..so then..we go to Shawn's house and we get the hat back..nothing illegal,no being mean to him.or at least I wasnt.I dont know about anyone else.we went in there and found that hat.I found dat hat!!!Yea I did..and his parents were really really nice.Very Helpful.I signed Alexis' yearbook. Im like yall I love that little girl. :). Anyways, so then..getting off the interstate..I spotted his very very very large head from like 7 light years away.Its cool.haha..So, me and Brit hang out the window like tard alerts that we are..and what do we do? get pulled over by the cops.He said tell me you all are drunk as shit.No, Im actually sober as shit.Anyways..so then he was like you want me to call home or take you straight to jail.Um, sir, hows about neither..and then we will all be happy? yea he let us off the hook on the acount of he had to..go to another call.Yea, so then..we went thru wendys to take my momma's ex bf's friends some food, and these guys try to get us to pull over.Well, we had to get that food there.So, we say follow us.So this one guy follows us, and Brit rides back to his apartment with him, and basically like makes best friends with him, while we all go somewhere else to do something else...haha, then we get back there..and I cant drink what they have so we have to go to LEX Vegas and get something else to drink, well I will have you know..everything is closed..so then, we just ride..pimpin with the hydraulics and me and PB were pimpin that shit.lol, our bitch was way better than theirs.But then we all get back to his aparment and hang out and have fun.I get on the phone with my main man will, and talk to him about BR.lol.and some other stuff.He is a cool cool kid.haha.So then me and PB be laying on us some couch..and its hotter than the fourth layer of hell.And they called me canadian cause I say the F word so much.Lol.I dont fink so.BAFTUB.I think ur friend just threw up in the baftub.Man, for 2 random guys, they were damn funny.SO, then we had to leave at 4 this morning cause brit got scared.I was trying to wake up and see what was going on, but she was just like they died in here, someone died in here we have to leave right now.I was like OK PB, wake up.She wasnt responding to me..lol..haha,so then..we all leave and come back here to the hizouse and sleep.Then, they left, and here we are.Getting ready to go get a dress.
moms home, pissed, gotta go, much love...