Mar 27, 2006 06:52
So lets just call it a day....a week, even a year.You cant tell the lies from the truth...still.He is still the liar...but I had let go, and he needed to let go too, even if it drug me right back down.I wish him nothing but the best in life..because I know he can be better than all that stupid shit, and Im like Felicia, maybe she is the one.Maybe she can change him. and keep him that way.I just know that it isnt really him who I still love...but that doesnt matter, he is happy too.WOW Im sol either way lol.
I just know Im for shore done with the whole deal from this day forward.
Thanks Felicia for talking to him.You are the bomb...we tighta than pb&j
(she had a bad day again...said I wouldnt understand, left a note and said Im sorry I had a bad again..and she swears theres nothing wrong, I hear her playin that same old song...
_to believe a lie is to believe in love_ ~ unknown