Life Goes On

Jul 12, 2004 22:12

So, this is about hour 17 awake for me, after an 10.5 hour day and 4 hours of sleep. That's just info to help put this post in context.

Having established that, I think I'll start with an update on my cousin. I know ya'll don't really care, but I'm happy about things, so you get to hear about it. It turns out that he has unencapsulated invasive lymphoma, which was somehow born of testicular cancer. Or it's a kind of testicular cancer. Or something. I'm a little unclear on that, other than the whole cancer-balls connection. He's gone up to Cincinnati (or Indinapolis, I can't remember) to see the same specialist that treated Lance Armstrong, so that's good. They've got him on a fairly aggressive chemo rotation, so that should help. He's just finished the first week, and other than having a permanent tap placed in a vein in his shoulder for the heavy metal laden sludge that is chemo, he's not having any of the nausea or anything yet and the docs are feeling pretty good. Because of that, he's decided that he's still coming up here next week with his wife and kids, so I'm really happy about that. It'll give me a chance to see him again, always good, and remove some of the angst over that whole thing.

It was great to see Charlie and Sara again. It had been a while, so it was good to see that they were both in good spirits. Even if they were up here for a conservative thingy. *grin* I guess I can forgive them for their politics, though. As long as they forgive me for mine. *smirk*

Good lord, though. Every time I see that woman, she makes me feel old. She was still in high school when I met her, and now she's well into college. Damn it all, I'm not that old.

On to the irritating news, I guess. I am absolutely DYING to play in an RPG and there's no sign of that happening soon. Simon's (how do you link to someone's livejournal from your post?) going to run an SG-1 game, about which I am VERY pumped, but things just haven't gotten rolling on it yet. He and I are talking about swapping around DMing a Forgotten Realms game (we got us a hankerin' for some D&D), but are a little short of players. All in all, a lot of great stuff is rattling around in my skull, but there's no gaming goodness to be had for now. I've got the gamer equivalent of blue balls and I'm sick of it.

My job, however, is now fairly busy, so that's looking up. On the other hand, having 18 working days (counting today) to review nearly 400 drawings, 200 pages of design reports, and 300 pages of calculations sort of blows. Oh well, it beats being bored.

And now sleep. Hopefully, that's sort of coherent, but I'm inclined to doubt that.
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