
Oct 22, 2011 13:02

I never knew that having breakfast made for someone would be so good! I don't think I've ever had food like that anyway back in Pastalia! Touma, why aren't you a professional? Why aren't you a chef?! I'd hire you in a second! I need to repay for this, I need to do something in return!

[Actually cooking things is going to be radically difficult without any recipe cards from home, but Cloche is determined to try to do anything to repay her demands of Touma. Cloche will be out and about the village today; her first stop is going to be getting warmer clothes for herself, but she's reeeeeaaaaaaallllllllly picky in her choices.

Her next stop is going to be the library for any sort of books on her subject. She'll be there for a while too.

Once she finds something good and a few good books for cooking things from, she's going to be headed over to actually take the food she needs for experimenting in her home as well the necessary tools.

Home though... well, she'll be there for a while. Possibly with burning food, windows open, and her trying not to burn too much and/or start a fire.]

being so picky, why isn't sasha here, why am i doing this again?, cooking fail, princess fail, cold weather sucks, that idiot touma

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