R and I have recently bought an apartment we really like and intend to move in together some time in July, exactly one year since we first met. When we shared the news with a few friends, there were expressions of apprehension.
floridaboy72 called to ask if both of us had the same understanding of what sharing a property and living together mean. He asked me if this constituted a marriage. I appreciate the call.
Interestingly R and I have never talked explicitly in those terms. When we were working out our finances for the property and weighing our options, we discussed how long we might stay in the apartment, its projected resale value and whether we would downgrade to a HDB 1-room studio when we retire. We felt comfortable with the plan and proceeded.
A property agent friend in his 40s once warned me against sharing a property with my boyfriend/partner/companion/husband. 'Very troublesome when things don't work out.' he said. Reflecting on all this, I realise such an outlook focuses on all the negative things that might happen. Sure we have heard sad stories which my well-meaning agent friend has warned me against. But instead of living in suspicion and doubt, R & I choose to live the life we want, rather the life we hope will not happen to us.
After putting the phone down with
floridaboy72, I asked R if the apartment equals marriage . We concluded that it is a journey of life-long companionship. With or without a milestone such as marriage, we are living out this journey. The journey started some 9 months ago at a dinner date at Al Dente, we are simply continuing in it.
Sorry guys at River Valley and Tiong Bahru, we decided to be on softer grounds in the east so that we can experience the earthquake tremours.