PepSi Fan Fiction Ideas

May 17, 2010 18:27

Since I got to thinking about the Pepa/Silvia storylines I would have liked to see in Season 9, I'm putting down some ideas for fan fiction here in the hopes that someone's going to pick them up and do something with them (I'm not much of a fiction writer so I'm afraid I can't do it myself). These are all post-marriage, post-honeymoon story ideas (assuming that 104 didn't happen, or happened without Silvia dying). ( lenageek is currently my favorite LHDP/PepSi fan fiction writer, so I hope she takes note. ;-) ) If someone has already written these, let me know!

1. a) A Pepa-Deker-Silvia triangle. This has been proposed by lovelyafterglow here, and I said I liked it in a post on this community here. The idea would be to have Deker and Silvia become rivals in the forensics department, for both professional and personal reasons, the former because their methods are very different, and the latter because Deker could have an unrequited crush on Pepa and create tension between Pepa and Silvia (inducing jealousy in Silvia).

b) Here's another angle on this, though. What if Deker and *Silvia* start off as professional rivals but then Deker comes to respect Silvia's professional methods (despite disagreements), and seems to start falling for her (rather than Pepa)? We saw that Pepa also has some potential for jealousy when Silvia brought up Leo, and she certainly resents feeling like Silvia is heterosexual and that her falling for Pepa is the one exception to that rule. This could be a great way for Silvia to clarify what she now identifies as, which I think *should be* bisexual, with a strong emotional preference for women (and Pepa in particular). I thought it was completely retarded that in Season 9, Deker, in a conversation with Pepa, refers to Silvia as heterosexual, and equally ridiculous that Pepa didn't react angrily to that. Recall that Silvia did tell Sara and Rita once that she doesn't think she can go back to being with men, because it's just sweeter with women. Anyway, Pepa's insecurity about Silvia leaving her for a man could be explored through this storyline, with Silvia ultimately telling her that no matter how nice a guy Deker might be, she wants a woman, and that too, Pepa.

2. Another source of serious romantic tension between Pepa and Silvia could have been the introduction of Pepa's ex-girlfriend, the sub-inspector from Sevilla (and actually this could have made for more intense drama and Silvia jealousy than Deker, since Pepa is actually capable of falling for women). She could have come to San Antonio for an assignment and wound up having to collaborate with Pepa on fieldwork/shootouts, stirring old feelings in Pepa, jealousy in Silvia, and creating confusion. This storyline would have had great potential to explore Pepa/Silvia's backstory, since I always interpreted Pepa's inability to commit to anyone (male or female) to be a consequence of her childhood crush on Silvia which she had never really gotten over. The plot could have been resolved with Pepa admitting to Silvia that she's only human and obviously has some feelings for an ex but is still completely in love with Silvia, and telling her ex that wonderful though she is, Pepa can't possibly betray or leave the love of her life from her adolescent years. Again, so much potential for great action scenes, jealousy-related drama, black comedy, and romance.

3. It would have been nice to see Pepa and Silvia collaborating on police work, with Pepa's strengths in fieldwork and shootouts highlighted, along with Silvia's complementary strengths in forensics/technical information. The writers could have showed how their marriage strengthened their ability to work together and have each other's back. But it might also be interesting to explore how being so intimate and close can *hinder* policework because the concern for each other's safety can slow you down, and also lead to the making of selfish decisions with respect to the goal of the mission, and the safety of the rest of the police officers that you're working with.

I could imagine a dangerous mission on which Pepa has to do risky fieldwork, and Silvia, out of concern for her safety, makes some well-intentioned but strategically bad decisions to protect Pepa (or interferes in her fieldwork, putting Pepa in situations where she has to protect Silvia), but sabotages the mission in the process. Pepa gets angry at Silvia for harming her professional image as an elite agent (and possibly endangering a promotion that Pepa was in line for). Don Lorenzo decides that it's a bad idea to assign Pepa and Silvia to the same cases if this is the sort of thing that's going to happen. Drama ensues with the realization that "the honeymoon is over" and it's time to face the realities of life. Silvia confesses that it's not easy for her to see Pepa putting herself in harm's way, but agrees that she has to be more professional and considerate in the future. *cue make-up sex* ;-)

4. Lots of small moments could have also been captured:

- Pepa and Silvia waking up together, with Pepa complaining about backache and Silvia chiding her for being excessively experimental with their bedroom gymnastics the previous night, or Pepa trying to distract Silvia from working late on her laptop in bed (notice that the series never showed them sharing a bedroom together ... it's high time);

- Pepa and Don Lorenzo's relationship being developed (DL continuing to put on the appearance of the harsh father-in-law and keeping the upper hand, but with an understanding on Pepa's end that it's 99% bollocks) -- a humorous family dinner with Don Lorenzo would have been nice;

- Pepa and Paco doing some much-needed brother-sister bonding over the demands and emotional tolls of marriage after tension between Pepa and Silvia begins to rear its head;

- Pepa and Silvia eventually deciding that they want to try to raise a family (either through adoption or donor insemination) and discussing the implications of this for their professional lives, whether they might want to move to a safer location, etc.

Through all this, a season-long theme could have been the takedown of El Gordo and his mafia as lovelyafterglow suggested, as well as a more realistically portrayed cannibalism case on which Deker and Silvia could have done forensic work together giving birth to the Pepa-Silvia-Deker triangle. It could culminate in another wedding finale episode with either Sara/Lucas or Sara/Aitor getting married, depending on which one she chooses (I honestly don't really care which one, though given that Hugo Silva left the show ages ago, Aitor seems to me to be the more realistic choice though I agree they've made his character do a lot of really annoying things).

Well, all of the above could use quite a bit more fleshing out, but those are some general themes that would have been soooo much better for LHDP to explore, rather than the absolute crap that they threw at us in Season 9. Just think, they could have made Season 9 the best one of LHDP yet, and ended while they were still on top.

Again, I can't believe how much regret I feel that Laura/Marian and their characters didn't fall into the hands of more capable and visionary producers/writers. At least I know better now than to let myself get invested in any TV series being produced by Alex Pina. Never again.

questions, fanfiction

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