Title: The First Christmas (La Primera Navidad)
Spoilers: Let’s say for the purposes of this fic I am ignoring the events of ep 104. The girls are happily married - ‘nuff said.
Rating: NC-17. It starts out as PG-13 for romantic fluff - my favorite! It may start out slow but it sure gets going in the end!
Pairing: Pepa/Silvia (PepSi para siempre!)
Summary: Pepa and Silvia share their first Christmas together as a married couple and discover the joys of giving and receiving gifts.
A/N/Disclaimer: This is a (very, very late!) response to
junebuggy01*'s December
PepSi Smut Off challenge that has been on my ‘puter for a while since I got stuck halfway through. I actually did have a Christmas PepSi story in mind during my vacation in December, since I was in the Christmas spirit anyway. But I did manage to work in the dominant Silvia theme - hope you like! Plus, I figured I really owed any readers a happy Christmas story after my last fanfic effort! :D Los Hombres de Paco and any Christmas songs mentioned are property of their respective owners - they’re not mine and I’ll put them back when I’m done.