Title: Scratch That, part 9
Pairing: Pepa and Silvia
Rating: PG (still, yes, but... we're getting there, I promise! xD)
A/N: Okay, I know I've been gone a long time, but with the school year being almost over I couldn't get the time to sit down and write this one... But, now with only two exams left during this week, I am now completely capable of dedicating myself to this story, because I'm only a few days away from officially starting my summer vacation... Yay! What? You're all freezing up there? Oh, I'm sorry... *pouts for you all* I'll make sure to send some sun! Hope it doesn't get lost in the Lost Office xD
Anyways, sorry for the delay, hope you all still enjoy this story! Happy reading and comments are more than welcome!
It's Over Here