Sep 01, 2009 00:09

A3 CEO called to schedule a meeting from the marketing plan and the campaign insanity. We'll see if it happens.

THIS IS the time to send A3 your emails.

This is a complete shock.

Spread the word, MASS email away PepSi fans.

Good news people we might still have a chance to save our Silvia!!!!


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junebuggy01 August 31 2009, 23:14:32 UTC
I'll provide the Shirley temples! *Pumps fists* Alright!!! No? No one else wants a shirley temple except me and my sober self? Okay, well I'll watch everyone get shit faced! Alright, sippin my tasty drink...


anonymous1991 August 31 2009, 23:23:58 UTC
Junebuggy your non-sober self is more fun ;-)


junebuggy01 August 31 2009, 23:49:24 UTC
Oh, hun, I'm always fun! xD BTW, haven' seen you around for a bit. It's nice to see you again! :D


lenageek August 31 2009, 23:51:05 UTC
Yeah, but I'd sure prefer to see the intoxicated version - hee! ;pp


junebuggy01 August 31 2009, 23:54:04 UTC
Hey, Lena! I really don't think you wanna. I'm all grabby and handsy and I make a complete idiot of myself... wait I already do that... Okay, but I also slur my words. xD


av8rwinn September 1 2009, 00:44:23 UTC
Slur but don't drool.


anonymous1991 September 1 2009, 08:16:03 UTC
Well what can I say real life is bitch...Also I can't wait for your next updates on your fics


booglebee August 31 2009, 23:46:30 UTC
I'll take a shirley temple over alcohol any day! I'll join you in observing everyone else get wasted....thats what I tend to do in my real life anyway, Yay for the sober people.....!!


junebuggy01 August 31 2009, 23:48:22 UTC
Yay Boogs!!! *Cabbage patches then hands you a drink* Soberness is AWESOME! You may join me in awesome club!


booglebee September 1 2009, 00:16:12 UTC
Thank you! *smiles and takes drink* delicious.
Ooooooo depending on where the great big party is I might not even be able to legally drink anyway haha.
Non-alcoholic drinks taste better than alcohol any day..unless its a mudshake coz they are just delicious.
Yay, Im in the Sober Club. I love SB. Whoop whoop.
So if anyone here needs a ride home, let me know, I've had the job title of sober driver for over a year now. Haha.


av8rwinn September 1 2009, 00:43:18 UTC
Buggy Baby. So much for being my AA sponsor. Remember me with the Wine issue. I am totally joining you on the chick drink fun. Hope no mess this time. Toast to this crazy campaign. If it works out I will do my silly dance with you.


junebuggy01 September 1 2009, 01:03:49 UTC
No, I'm still on the wagon? Off the wagon? I'm still not drinking. *nods* Shirley temples are non alcoholic hun! I hope it works out cuz your dancing is sexy! :D


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