Smallville Season 7, Episode 11: Siren

Feb 10, 2008 16:37

 Clark/Chloe/Oliver: I thought this was one of the highlights of the episode. One thing I thought was interesting was when Oliver told Clark that he didn't tell Chloe what it (re: what Chloe was stealing) was Lex's project photo file. To me, that's one of the main differences between Ollie working for Chloe and Chloe working with Clark because Clark tends to tell Chloe everything. I also liked Clark's reaction to Chloe working with Clark because it felt very much in character with who he is. He saw that Chloe was hurt while working for Ollie. As far as the Clark/Ollie showdown, I think Ollie's a lot of things, but I don't think he's selfish. I think Clark was just overreacting a bit. Also, yes, Ollie was right to say that she's in danger when she works with Clark, but to Clark it's different. I think Clark thinks he's the only one that's able to protect Chloe, and I can understand his overprotectiveness. After seeing Chloe die in "Labyrinth" and "Bizarro", Chloe dying is a very real thing to him, and it scares him. I also liked how it was pointed out that Clark really does enjoy working with Chloe.

Also, Clana fight: Okay, Clark made some excellent points in that scene because he's right. Lana is only honest when she's threatened, and I agree that Lana looks at Clark like she wishes he was someone else because even Lana admits that Bizarro was more affectionate with her than Clark's been. Also, Lana saying that all of her transgressions have been met with hypocritical judgement is just infuriating to me. Yes, Clark isn't perfect. I know that, and Lana's made sure Clark's aware of it, too. But Lana acts as though no one should question her behavior over the past few months, and that's her behavior is a-okay. Clark's wrongdoings don't make her anymore in the right. It's unfair to Clark because he should be allowed to have opinions and thoughts of his own regarding Lana's actions because they are in a relationship. And as far as no one can live up to his self-righteous standards, well, it's true that Clark does expect a lot from the people around him. And those people are going to make mistakes no matter how much Clark loves them or cares for them. However, Lana's actions aren't *minor* transgressions; they're pretty big. Clark has every right to not like the choices she's made.

Lois telling Ollie that she can't share you with the rest of the world really seemed like a major clunker on the future Clark and Lois relationship to me. Yes, she could change her mind in the future, but to hear her say that now was definitely interesting to say the least.

"You can have all the right motives and still do all the wrong things" I really like that line from Clark. When Clark says things like this, I can really tell he's grown from the young boy in season one. That line really applies to Lex, Lana, and Clark because they're all guilty of doing things with the best intentions and the right reasons, but still making the wrong choices. I felt the same way when he told Lana that he doesn't know the future and can't guarantee her that they'll be together forever. It's such a refreshing change from his early show self.

Also, I really liked the actor who played the Black Canary. Alaina Huffman did a very good job. My major complaint with the episode is where was Lex? The amount of screentime he's being given is totally ridiculous.

Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I'd give it a B.

meta, smallville

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