I was tagged by
(1) I can be totally neurotic. If I'm supposed to take something such as money or my phone somewhere, I will check my purse 5,000 times before I reach my destination. Or if I'm really stressed, I'll be overanxious and expect perfection from myself or others.
(2) I like to talk in weird voices a lot. I'm not sure why.
(3) I'm totally sarcastic.
(4) I must know the calories of whatever I'm drinking or eating, and I'll spaz if I don't. :)
(5) I cannot drink plain water. I have to drink flavored water. I usually drink Archer Farms (Target Brand) Kiwi Watermelon.
(6) I am forever listening to music. Seriously, unless I'm in school, I'm listening to my iPod.
(7) I have a coffee addiction. If I'm making it at home, I'll use a french vanilla creamer. If I'm at Starbucks, I'll either get White Chocolate Mocha or Caramel Mocchiato.
Now, I tag
chiri_chan, and