Jan 21, 2006 09:40
I've been thinking a lot about things over the past few days. And things have definitely been better since Summer and Fall for me. Summer being my downfall, and Fall being my time in limbo. Well now I'm in Spring and this is suppose to be my breakthrough, my redefinition, my new beginning. And so far things have been changing, but the question is are they getting any better? I don't believe as much as I want it to. I'm running my time here in college too long. I've come to realize everythings changing here in FIU, and I'm soon to be forgotten. Summer and Fall has certainly brought a new generation of students into the University, and it will continue every year as the numbers get bigger and bigger. But there's was something very different about this time around. And I figured it out. For the past few years, me being in Panther Hall, I got to see the new students coming in and met them, partied with them, or might have been their RA. With this year, I had been totally disconnected from all of that. I guess living there for so long has made me miss it more, but also missing what I had years before.
I was recollecting with a friend Corey, who I've known since freshmen year, who went through a few of those years in Panther Hall with me. He was there from the start with me, in the days of 4 Long, being one of my roommates. Our first year was a lot of good memories, maybe the most memorable for me. So many different types of people lived there, from the Caribbean, Europe, Asia; you name it. It was sad to see half those people dissappear practically after the first year. I barely keep in touch with any of them now. The second year was a different year in its own. Most of the people from 2 Long moved up to our floor. 2 Long comprimised of most of my close Caribbean friends. That year was a lot of fun times for me, it was also when Zac moved in with me and Corey, and I didn't have a roommate and across from us was one of the funniest guys I've ever met, Patrick. That year was also the year I met Sarah, and started dating her. So that year sits well in me in its own way. The next year around, most of the people from 2 Long moved out, and the people from 1 Short ascended up to 4 Long. This year was quite the comedic one. It was all about laughs. People certainly doing some funny shit, including myself. From 80's night, to Laura's House Parties, to St. Patty's Day. Just a whole lot of laughs. This time around Corey moved across the hall, and Me and Zac stayed and Patrick and moved in to 450. Jose was my new roommate at the time, and he added a lot to the comedy factor as well. down in 447 lived Sam, Jake, Ahktar, and Noma. Now what I happened to find out near the beginning of the year with Sam and Jake was the fact that they were Malayalees (Malu) like me. For those of you that don't know what that means, its a certain type of Indian, from the south region. So they spoke the same language. Sam is also one of the funniest guys I've met. When you put him and Patrick together they were unstoppable. Aside from 4 Long/ 1 Short, I was Desk Assistant, and that had some nice memories working with ResLife for the first time. My last year was a ground-breaking year for me, because I became an RA, a resident assistant. This job meant a lot to me. It was my chance to prove my responsibilities, and grow as a person. And the job helped me grow so much. Including meeting some of the most wonderful people I've met and worked with as my co-workers. These memories of mine will never be forgotten.
Question is, do I still keep in touch with most of these people? I try to, and yea our lives can be busy, but I'm always up to do anything. Do they try to keep in touch with me? I don't think so, rarely, maybe some of them do. I really appreciate those who do. I'm at a point where times have changed and I don't hang out with the friends I used to. I can tell you who are my constant friends who have been there a lot for me lately. Reuben, Ritch, Ivan, and Pete. Those are the constants. The guys who still hang out with me, and also know me well. You guys have helped me out a lot, and can understand what I go through, cuz you guys listen. Other than them I know I've got my brothers in my fraternity who I can always look to. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm ready to leave, I'm ready to finish college. Things have been going on way too long, and I've been holding on to it for an extensive time. My mind is on the ball, and I ready to finish this game...
Oh.. and If there's anywhere I'd wish to be right now, its in Victoria!